Hacking Scrum for Personal Productivity
With the dawn of the new year inevitably comes the litany of New Year’s resolutions that we all enthusiastically list out, commit strongly to for the first week or so, anguish over…then start to let slide before eventually forgetting about. But as project managers we can’t help but to be the dutiful planners that we are and indulge in creating that nice WBS of New Year’s resolutions that get placed into that nice Gantt chart of baselined goals that need to be met for the upcoming year.
But as we all know, things change and personal priorities get reshuffled. Nothing’s static anymore, so what better way than using Agile for personal productivity in our highly dynamic lives? Aren’t New Year’s resolutions just mini-projects you have set yourself out to accomplish? And what better way to do that than by leveraging Agile for these endeavors! The Scrum framework is best suited for this. Let’s look at how to hack Scrum for personal productivity…
Hacking the essence of Scrum
Before proceeding, let’s outline those essential ideas from Scrum that are suited for personal productivity:
- Break goals down – At center with Agile/Scrum is to break your goals down to manageable chunks. As we all know, Agile was a reaction to BUFR (Big Up Front Requirements), which advocates breaking your requirements down to
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"The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts--the less you know, the hotter you get." - Bertrand Russell |