Project Management

The Reluctant Agilist

2018 Digital PM Summit | 2018 North American Global Scrum Gathering | 3PVantage | Abby Fretz | Adam Weisbart | Agile | agile | Agile 2013 | agile 2014 | agile 2015 | Agile 2017 | Agile 2018 | Agile Alliance | Agile and AI | Agile Centre | Agile Certification | Agile Coach | Agile Coaching | agile coaching | Agile Estimation | Agile for Humans | Agile Layoffs | Agile Leadership | Agile Metrics | Agile Planning | Agile PM | Agile PMO | Agile Practice | Agile Project Management | Agile Retrospectives | Agile Teams | Agile Transformation | agile transformation | Agile Transition | Agile Uprising | Agile Virtual Summit | agile2014 | agile2015 | agile42 | AgileUprising | Agilist | Agilistocrats | Agility Scales | AI Agile Guy | AI and Agile | Alistair Cockburn | Amitai Schleier | Applied Frameworks | Atlassian | autism | Bas Vodde | Becky Hartman | Behavioral Change | BigVIsible | BigVisible | Bob Tarne | book review | Braden Cundiff | Brandon Brown | Brett Harned | Brian Bozzuto | Bureau of Digital | Business Agility | business agility | CAL | Cara Turner | Carol McEwan | carson pierce | Center for Non-Violent Communication | Certification | Certified Agile Leadership | Certified Scrum Master | Certified Scrum Product Owner | Certified Scrum Trainer | ChatGPT | Cheif Product Owner | Chet Hendrickson | Chris Li | Chris Sims | Christine Converse | Christopher Avery | Coaching | Collaboration | collaboration | Collaboration Equation | commitment | conflict management | Connection | conteneo | Craig Larman | cross functional teams | Crosswind | CrosswindPM | CSM | CSP | CSPO | CST | Culture | DA | DAD | Dan Eberle | Daniel Gullo | Dave Prior | Dave West | David Anderson | David Bernstein | David Bland | David J Anderson | Dean Leffingwell | Declan Whelan | Definition of Done | Dennis Stevens | Derek Huether | derek huether | Design | Design Thinking | Dhaval Panchal | Diana Larsen | diana larsen | Digital Agency | Digital PM Summit | Digital Transformation | digitalpm | Disciplined Agile Delivery | Distributed Teams | Don Kim | DPM | dpm | dpm2013 | Drunken PM | drunken PM | drunken pm | Drunken PM Radio | drunken pm radio | DrunkenPM | drunkenPM | drunkenpm | DrunkenPM Radio | drunkenPM Radio | drunkenpm radio | drunkenpmradio | drunkepm | eduscrum | Elsevier | emotional intelligence | empathy | Enterprise Agile | Eric Tucker | Essential Scrum | Esther Derby | esther derby | Evolve Agility | Excella | Five Lenses of Humane Management | Fixing Your Scrum | Flow | Flow Metrics | Focused Objective | focused objective | Forecasting | Gangplank | George Schlitz | Gil Broza | Global Scrum Gathering | Grandview Prep | Howard Sublett | Improv | Improv Effect | Individuals and Interactions | Jason Tanner | Jean Tabaka | Jeff Howey | Jeff Patton | Jeff Sutherland | Jesse Fewell | Jessie Shternshus | Jim Benson | jim benson | Jira | Johanna Rothman | johanna rothman | John Miller | john miller | Jukka Lindstrom | Jurgen Appelo | Jutta Eckstein | Kanban | kanban | Kanban Pad | kanbanfor1 | Karim Harbott | Ken Rubin | Kenny Rubin | Kim Brainard | Knorr-Bremse | lacey | Language | Large Scale Scrum | Larry Maccherone | Laura Powers | LAVM | LeadingAgile | Lean | lean | Lean Agile Intelligence | Lean Agile Visual Management | Lean Coffee | Lean Kanban North America | LeanKit | LESS | LeSS | LeSS 2018 | Linda Rising | Lithespeed | Live Online | lkna | Louder Than Ten | luke hohmann | lyssa adkins | Management | Managing for Happiness | Maria Matarelli | Mark Kilby | Mark Lines | Marshall Rosenberg | Melissa Boggs | Metrics | metrics | Michael Grill | Michael Sahota | Michele Sliger | Mike Cottmeyer | Mike Vizdos | Modern Management Methods | Modus Cooperandi | modus cooperandi | Modus Institute | Natalie Warnert | Negotiation | Nic Sementa | Non-violent communication | North American Global Scrum Gathering | NVC | Obeya | Olaf Lewitz | Øredev | Øredev 2013 | organizational agility | Organizational Change | overcommitment | Pairing | Patrice Colancecco Embry | Paul Hammond | Personal Agility | Personal Kanban | personal kanban | personal productivity | personal project management | Peter Green | Peter Saddington | PMBOK | PMI | PMI Fellow | PMI-ACP | PMO | PMP | podcast | portfolio management | Precoil | Product Backlog | Product Development | Product Goal | Product Management | Product Owner | Product Ownership | Productivity | productivity | Project Management | project management | Project Management Institute | Project Manager | ProKanban | Rachel Gertz | Rally | Release Planning | Reluctant Agilist | reluctant agilist | Remote Teams | Remote Work | Renata Lerch | Responsibility Process | retrospective | Richard Cheng | Roman Pichler | Ron Jeffries | Ross Beurmann | Ryan Ripley | SAFE | Safety | Sallyann Freudenberg | Sanjiv Augustine | Sarah Klarich | Scaled Agile Framework | Scaling Agile | scaling agile | Scaling Scrum | Scott Ambler | Scrum | scrum | Scrum Alliance | Scrum at Scale | Scrum Certification | Scrum Gathering | Scrum Gathering 2018 | Scrum Guide | Scrum in Schools | Scrum Master | | ScrumMaster | self organizing teams | SGNYC20 | SGPHX | SGPHX 2015 | Shane Hastie | Snehal Talati | social engineering | Software Development | SolutionsIQ | SoundNotes | SparkPlug Agility | Sparkplug Agility | Sprint Goal | Sprint Planning | sprint planning | Story Points | Sustained Agility | Systems Thinking | TDD | Temenos | Testing Business Ideas | The Improv Effect | The Reluctant Agilist | Things | Tom Perry | Tony Johnson | Transformation | Trauma | Tricia Broderick | Troy Lightfoot | Troy Magennis | troy magennis | Trust | Untapped Agility | User Stories | value | Value Delivery System | Value Stream Mapping | Virtual Training | Vivek Angiras | Volunteering | waste | Waterfall | Weisbart | What We Say Matters | why limit wip | WIP | women in agile | Woody Zuill | work in progress | XP | Zach Stone | show all posts

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The PMI Agile Alliance

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Overcoming Fear as a Non-Techical Project Manager

Unleashing the Power of Project Management with Val Hinze


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Agile, Anu Smalley, Applied Frameworks, Applying Metrics for Predictability, Archetype, Art of Coaching, Art of War, art of war, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Assumptions, Assumptions Mapping, Atif Rafiq, Atlassian, Atlassian Analytics, Atlassian Experience Canvas, Audreww Tara Sahota, autism, AVS, awareness, Backlog Management, Backlog Prioritization, Backlog Refinement, baker, Bas Vodde, Becky Hartman, Bees, Behavioral Change, behavioral science, Bernie Maloney, Beyond Legacy Code, Beyond User Stories, Big Consulting, Big Visible, BigVIsible, BigVisible, Billy McLaughlin, bimodal, Bjorn Jensen, Black Lives Matter, Blackie, Blake Halvorson, Bland, blocked, blockedapp, blueprint, blueprint education, Bob Payne, Bob Sarni, Bob Tarne, book review, Boozy Scrum, Braden Cundiff, Brandon Brown, Brandon R. Brown, Brent Beer, Brett Harned, Bria Johnson, Brian Bozzuto, Broza, Build Your Own Scrum, Building Trust, Bureau of Digital, Bureau of Digital, Bureau of Digital, Business Agility, business agility, Business Agility Canvas, Business Model Canvas, Business Planning, Business Portfolio Management, business value estimation, Buzzword, CAL, Canton Coders, Capala Consulting, CapEx, Cara Turner, Career Development, Career Growth, Career Path, Cargotec, Carl Smith, Carol Dweck, Carol McEwan, carson pierce, Cass Van Gelder, Catherine Louis, Celeste Giampetro, Center for Non-Violent Communication, Certification, Certified Agile Leadership, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Certified Scrum Product Owner, Certified Scrum Product Owner Scrum, Certified Scrum Professional, Certified Scrum Trainer, Cesar Idrovo, CFD, CFDs, Change, Change Fatigue, Change Management, Change Management, change management, change management, Change Managment, Changing Sprint Commitment, Charlie Rudd, Charlotte DiBartolomeo, Charter, Chat GPT, ChatGPT, Cheif Product Owner, Cheif Scrum Master, Chet Hendrickson, Chief Product Owner, Chief Scrum Master, Chief ScrumMaster, Chief SM, ChowNow, Chris Bailey, Chris Clarke, Chris Geary, Chris Li, chris matts, Chris Murman, Chris Sims, Chris Spagnuolo, Christina Bang, Christine Converse, Christine Li, Christine Neidhardt, Christopher Avery, Christopher Hadnagy, christopher hadnagy, Cleaning Toxic Waste, Client, Client Relationships, client relationships, Climate, cnvc, Coach Cain, Coach's Clinic, Coaches Clinic, Coaching, coaching, coaching, Coaching Certification, CodeX, Collabnet, Collaboration, collaboration, collaboration, Collaboration Equation, Collaboration Equation, Collaborative Teamwork, Colleen Johnson, Colleen Johnson, commitment, Communication, communication, communication, Communication Plan, communication skills, Community, Comparative Agility, Comparing Teams, Conference, Conference Proposal, Confidence Rubric, Conflict, conflict, conflict facilitation as a leadership skill, conflict management, Connecting, Connection, Conscious Communication, Consulting, conteneo, Continuous Improvement, coppertone, Core Cycle of Agile Product Development, Counteracting The Systemic Oppression of Traditional Development Thinking, Couple of Coaches, Cozy Juicy Real, Craig Larman, Creative Courage Summit, creative processes, Creativity Safety, credible information, cross functional teams, Cross Functionality, Cross-Functionality, CrossFunctionality, Crosswind, CrosswindPM, CSM, CSM, CSP, CSP Fast Pass, CSPO, CSPO, CSPO, CST, cst, Cultivating Transformation, Cultural Change, Culture, Cumulative Flow Diagram, cumulative flow diagrams, Customers, Cutlefish, Cycle Time, cycle time, DA, DAD, Daily Scrum, Damon Poole, Dan Brown, Dan Eberle, daniel goleman, Daniel Gullo, Darkest Timeline, Darren Petersen, Daryl Kulak, data, Data-Driven Change, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave Prior, Dave prior, dave prior, Dave West, David Anderson, David Bernstein, David Bland, David Hawks, David J Anderson, David Marquet, Dean Leffingwell, Dean Stevens, Decision Making, Declan Whelan, decommoditization, Decoupling Cadences, defining value, Definition of Done, Deliver Better Results, Delivery, Delivery Better Results, Denise Jacobs, Denma, Dennis Stevens, Derek Heuther, Derek Huether, derek huether, Descaling Agile, Design, Design Thinking, Designing Together, Devin Hedge, DevSecOps, Dhaval Panchal, Diana Larsen, diana larsen, Digital Agency, digital agency, digital marketing, Digital PM, Digital PM, Digital PM Summit, Digital PM Summit, Digital Pm Summit, digital PM summit, Digital PM Summit 2014, Digital Project Management, Digital Project Manager, Digital Transformation, digitalpm, digitalpm dpm, Directing, Disciplined Agile, Disciplined Agile Certification, Disciplined Agile Delivery, Disciplined Agile Framework, Discover to Deliver, Discovery Curves, Distributed, Distributed Team, Distributed Teams, Distributed teams, Diversity, Dom Price, Don Gray, Don Kim, Don McGreal, DPM, dpm, DPM 2014, DPM 2017, DPM Philly, DPM Summit, DPM Summit 2017, DPM Summit 2018, dpm2013, Dr. Abbie Marono, Dr. Rick Brinkman, DragonForceSUCKS!, Drunken PM, drunken PM, drunken pm, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM Radio, Drunken PM radio, Drunken PM radio, drunken PM Radio, drunken PM radio, drunken pm radio, drunken pm radio, drunken pm radio, drunken pm radio, drunken pm radio, drunken pm radio, DrunkenPM, DrunkenPM, DrunkenPm, drunkenPM, drunkenPM, drunkenPm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, drunkenpm, DrunkenPM Radio, drunkenPM Radio, drunkenPM radio, drunkenpm radio, drunkenpmradio, drunkepm, ducks, Eastern Standard, eckstein, ecosystem, ecosystem thinking, edge, Edge Collection, edu scrum, Education, eduscrum, Edward Kay, efficiency, Eight Shapes, Elizabeth Harrin, Elizabeth Hendrickson, Elizabeth McClellan, Ellen Gottesdiener, Elsevier, Elusive Agile Enterprise, Emily Epstein, emotional intelligence, Emotional Science, empathy, empathy, employment, Empowerment, energy management, english heritage, Enterprise Agile, epic bedtime story, Eric Tucker, Erich Hahn, Erika Lenz, Essential Scrum, Esther Derby, esther derby, Estimating, Ethics, EVEF, Even Better Podcast, Evernote, Every Voice Engaged, Evolve Agility, EvolveAgility, Excella, excella, Excella Consulting, Executive Coaching, Experience, Experience Map, Experiments, Explore It!, extreme manufacturing, Extreme Programming, Facilitation, fading problems, Failing Sprints, fast feedback, Fearless Agiity, Fearless Agility, FearlessAgility, field guide, Film Making, Film Production, First 20 Hours, First15, Fit for Purpose, Five Lenses, Five Lenses of Humane Management, Fixing Your Scrum, flavio steffens, FLEX, Flight Levels, FLIP, Flip, Flow, flow, Flow Metrics, flow metrics, Focused Objective, focused objective, FocusedObjective, Forbes, Forecasting, Formula Ink, FormulaInk, Frank Vega, Fred George, Frederick Taylor, Frederick Taylor, freudenberg, Funding, Future of Agile, Galen Low, Games, Gangplank, Gary Gagliardi, gender bias, Gene Bounds, generation agile, Geoffrey Moore, Geographically Distributed Teams, George Floyd, George Schlitz, George Schlitz, Gil Broza, Giora Morein, girl scouts, Girls Guide to PM, girlscouts, Github, Glassel Ventures, Global Congress, Global Scrum Gathering, Global Scrum Gathering Austin, Grandview Prep, Greenhopper, growth mindset, Habit, HappyCog, Harvard Business Review, HBR, Head First Agile, Healing Container, Hearst Digital Media, Heart of Agile, hero, High-Performing Team, Homeschooling, honesty, Hong Li, Hope Schools, Howard Sublett, HUGE, HUGE Inc, human behavior, human hacking, Human Resources PM, Human Side of Agile, humane workspaces, Hummingbird Agility, Hybrid, hybrid, Hybrid Agile, Hyderabad, hyperfocus, I Think Therefore I Plan, Iain Fraser, ICAgile, Ice Breaker, Ideation Framework, Ignite, Igniteii, Ilker Demirel, Impact Mapping, Implementing Scrum, imposter syndrome, Improv, Improv Effect, ImprovEffect, Improving, improvisation, Increment of Work, independent consulting, Individuals and Interactions, influence, InfoQ, infrastructure, Innovation, innovation games, Insighttimer, InspireMe!, Insurgent Agility, Insurgent Pictures, intent, Intent Based Leadership, intentional actions, International Consortium for Agi, Introvert, intuition, IT Funding, IT Strategy, it's not all about me, IT-Agile, J.B. Rainsberger, Jabe Bloom, Jack Skeels, Jacquelyn Talpalar, James Gifford, James Grenning, James Tamm, Jardena London, Jargon, Jason LIttle, Jason Tanner, Jasper, Jean Tabaka, Jed and Sophia, Jed Lazar, Jeff Howey, Jeff Leach, Jeff Patton, Jeff Sutherland, jellybend, Jennifer Tharp, Jenny Greene, Jerry Weinberg, Jesse Fewell, Jesse Wroblewski, Jessica Katz, Jessica Kerr, Jessica Small, Jessica Wolfe, jessica wolfe, Jessie Shternshus, Jill Paul, Jim Benson, Jim Benson, jim benson, Jim Elvridge, Jim Tamm, Jimi Fosdick, Jimi Fosdick, Jira, Jira Insights, JJ Sutherland, Joe Justice, Joe Vallone, Joel Norman, Johanna Rothman, johanna rothman, John Cutler, John D Cook, John Le Drew, John Miller, john miller, John Rudd, John Tanner, Jorgen Hesselberg, Josh Wexler, Journey to Enterprise Agility, Juan Banda, Judith Lasater, Judy Neher, Jukka Lindstrom, Jurgen Appelo, Justin Handler, Justin Koke, Jutta Eckstein, kamal manglani, Kanban, Kanban, Kanban, Kanban, kanban, Kanban Certification, Kanban Metrics, Kanban metrics, Kanban Pad, kanbanfor1, karen prior, Karim Harbott, Kate Sullivan, Katherine Kirk, kay keizer, Kelly Harris, Ken Rubin, Ken Schwaber, Kenny Rubin, kevin mitnick, Keynote, Kid Cedek, Kim Brainard, Knorr-Bremse, Krista Pierce, Kyle Macey, L. David Marquet, lacey, LAI, Lance Hammond, Language, Language is a virus, Large Scale Scrum, Larissa Scordato, Larman, Larry Maccherone, Larsen, Lasater, Laura Powers, LAVM, Layoffs, Lead Without Blame, Leadership, Leadership, Leadership, leadership, leadership, Leadership Gift, Leadership Gift Program, Leadership is Language, Leadership Mindset, Leading Change, LeadingAgile, Lean, lean, Lean Agile Intelligence, Lean Agile Visual Management, Lean Coffee, Lean Kanban North America, Lean Kanban University, lean metrics, Lean Startup, Lean Systems Engineering, Lean-Agile, Lean-Agile Visual Management, LeanAgile Intelligence, LeanCoffee Meetings, Leanintuit, LeanKit, learning quickly, Lee Lis, Leffingwell, lego game, LESS, LeSS, LeSS 2018, Lessons Learned, Lia James, lie to me, Lifestyle Design, Liftoff, Linda Rising, Lisa Hershman, Listening, Lithespeed, Little's Law, Live Online, lkna, Lothar Schubert, Louder Than Ten, louder than ten, Lounder>10, LSE, Luis Garcia, Luke Hohman, luke hohmann, Lullabot, Lyssa Adkins, lyssa adkins, Macromanagers, Magennis, Major League Baseball, Malena Jacobsen, Manage Others, Manage your Organization, Manage Yourself, Management, Managing for Happiness, Managing Multiple Projects, Managing the Unmanagable, Managing Up, Manny Gonzalez, Manoj Vadakkan, Marc Johnson, marcello scacchetti, Maria Matarelli, Mario Melo, Mark Crowe, Mark Hodgdon, mark inside, MARK KILBY, Mark Kilby, Mark Lines, Mark Price Perry, marketing, Marketing and Sales, Marketing for Supervillains, marketing user stories, Marshall Rosenberg, marshamallow challenge, Marty Bradley, Mary Kaufmann, Mastodon Consulting, matt barcomb, Matt Payton, MBOK, McGraw-Hill, Measuring Agile, Meditation, Meghan McInerny, Melissa Boggs, Melissa Watts, Mentoring, Merchi Reyes, MetalToad, Metrics, metrics, Metrics Cookbook, Michael de la Maza, Michael Grill, michael lewis, Michael Sahota, michael spayd, Michael Tardiff, Michael Tibbert, Michele Sliger, Michelle Dennis, Mickey W. Mantle, Mid Sprint Review, Mid-Sprint Review, MidSprint Review, Mighty Citizen, Mika Trottier, Mike Anderson, Mike Caddell, Mike Cottmeyer, Mike Griffiths, Mike McCalla, Mike Monteiro, Mike Vizdos, Millenial, Minneapolis Scrum Gathering, misinformation, mistakes, mitch lacey, MLB, MMM, Mob Programming, mob programming, Mobbing, Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 2, Modern Management Methods, Modus, Modus Cooperandi, modus cooperandi, Modus Institute, Modus Institute, Molood Ceccarelli, moneyball, Monte Carlo Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation, motivational interviewing, Munich, MVP, NAGC, Nanette Brown, Natalie Warnert, Negotiation, neuro-diversity, Neurodiversity, Neuroinclusivity, neurolinguistic programming, New York Times, Nic Sementa, Nigel Baker, ninja, ninja baker priest, NLP, No, No Estimates, Non Violent Communication, non-fiction, non-fiction writing, non-technical project manager, Non-violent communication, Nonviolent Communication, noop, North American Global Scrum Gathering, Not a Cylon, NVC, O3 World, Oakbay, Oakbay Consulting, oakland a's, Obeya, Object-Oriented Data-Driven Change, off shore, Offshoring, Olaf Lewitz, Olav Maassen, OnAgile 2017, one shiny object, Online Scrum Class, OnPay, Øredev, Øredev 2013, Organizational Agility, organizational agility, Organizational Change, Organizational Change, organizational change, Organizational Design, organizational transformation, organizational transformation, Outcome Based Planning, overcoming fear, Overcomitment, overcommitment, Overplaying, PAC, Pairing, Pam Corbin, Parikshit Basrur, paris, Patrice Colancecco Embry, Patrice Embry, patrice embry, Paul Argiry, paul ekman, paul f. kelly, Paul Hammond, Pebble Post, Peopleware, Performance, persona, Personal Accountability, Personal Accountability Teams, Personal Agility, personal agility canvas, personal development, Personal Kanban, personal kanban, Personal Productivity, personal productivity, personal project management, Personas, Persuasion, Peter Beck, Peter Green, peter green, Peter Saddington, Peter Stevens, Philadelphia, Philamade, Philip Diab, Phoenix, PI Planning, PI Planning, pk, Plank, Planning, Planning Poker, play, PMBOK, PMI, PMI, pmi, PMI ACP, PMI Agile Alliance, PMI Agile Practice Guide, PMI Board of Directors, PMI Fellow, PMI Global Congress, PMI-ACP, PMO, PMO, PMP, PMP, PMP vs Agile Project Manager, podcast, Poker Planning, Portfolio Management, portfolio management, Portfolios (PPM), Post Agile, Post-Agile, Post-SAFeism, Power of Focus, Power of No, Precoil, predictability, predicting value, Presentation, Presenting, priest, Principles of Scientific Management, Prioritization, Prioritizing Work, Probabilistic Forecasting, Produce Backlog Item, Product, Product Agility, Product Alignment, Product Backlog, Product Backlog Refinement, Product Design, Product Development, product development, Product Funding, Product Goal, Product Innovation, Product Management, Product Management, Product Management, product management, Product Manager, Product Manager, product manager, Product Outcomes, Product Owner, Product Owner, product owner, Product Ownership, Product Ownership, Product Ownership Strategic Priority, Product Positioning, Product Roadmap, Product Strategy, Productivity, productivity, Productivity Project, Professional Coaching, Professional Development, professional development, Professional Kanban Certification, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, Program Management, Programs (PMO), Project CodeX, project empathy, Project Funding, Project Management, Project Management, project management, project management, project management, project management, Project Management for Humans, Project Management Institute, Project Management Institute, project management professional, Project Management Rebels, Project Manager, project manager, Project Managment, project portfolio management, Project Review, project risk,, Projet Chartering, ProKanban, ProKanban, Proxy Interviews, PSM, PSM, PSPO, psychological safety, psychology, PTSD, Public Speaking, QA Manager, Qcon, Quality, Quality of Life, Quarterly Planning, Quarterly Planning, Questions, Rachel Gertz, rachel gertz, rachel howard, Radical Collaboration, Radtac, Rally, Rapid Testing Business Ideas, Ray Lewallen, Reaktor, real options, Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Recess, Redefining the PMO, Redefining Your PMO, redkiteproject, REE, Reese Schmit, Release Planning, Reluctant Agililist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, Reluctant Agilist, reluctant Agilist, reluctant Agilist, reluctant agilist, reluctant agilist, reluctant agilist, Remote, Remote Facilitation, Remote Forever, Remote Forever Summit, Remote Learning, Remote Team, Remote Teams, remote teams, Remote Work, remote work, RemoteForever, Renaissance Enterprise, Renata Lerch, resilience, Resiliency, Resource Management, Responsibility Process, retrospective, retrospectives, review, Ricard Vargas, Richard Cheng, Richard Cheng, richard cheng, Rick Brinkman, Right Environment Exercises, Risk, Robert Sfeir, robin dreeke, Roman Pichler, Ron Jeffries, Ron Lichty, Ronica Roth, Rosenberg, Rosetta Agile, RosettaAgile, Ross Beurmann, rothman, Russell Healy, Ryan Ripley, SAFE, SAFe, SAFe, SAFe Summit, Safety, Sage Commander, Sal, Salary, Salary Negotiation, Sallyann Freudenberg, sallyanne freudenberg, Sam Barnes, San Tsubota, Sandra Cain, Sanjiv Augustine, Santa Pays it Forward, Sara Doubleday, Sarah Goff-DuPont, Sarah Klarich, Sauce Labs, Savannah Rayat, Saying No, Scaled Agile Framework, Scaled Agile Framework, Scaling, Scaling Agile, scaling agile, Scaling Scrum, scatter focus, scatterfocus, schmonz,, School of Rock, Science of High Performing Teams, Scientific Management, Scott Ambler, Scott Bellware, Scott Dunn, Scott Sehlhorst, Scott Sehlhorst, Scrum, Scrum, Scrum, Scrum, Scrum, scrum, scrum, scrum, Scrum Agile Transformation, Scrum Alliance, Scrum Alliance, Scrum and AI, Scrum Artifacts, Scrum at Scale, Scrum Certification, Scrum Certification, Scrum Certified Scrum Trainer, Scrum Educational Units, scrum field guide, Scrum Fieldbook, Scrum Gathering, scrum gathering, Scrum Gathering 2018, Scrum Gathering Dublin, scrum gathering paris 2013, Scrum Guide, Scrum in Education, Scrum in Realty, Scrum in Schools, Scrum Inc, Scrum Labs, Scrum Master, scrum master, Scrum Master Antipatterns, scrum metrics, Scrum Team, Scrum Trainer, Scrum Training, Scrum vs. Kanban,,, Scrum@Scale, ScrumAlliance, ScrumatScale, Scrummando, ScrumMaster, Scrummaster, ScrumMaster Scrum Master, Seer Interactive, self organizing teams, self-awareness, self-awareness, self-awareness, self-reflection, Servant Leader, Servant Leadership, servant leadership, servant leadership, SEUs, SGNYC20, SGPHX, SGPHX 2015, Shane Hastie, Shannon Carter, Shit bad Scrum Master's Say, Showing Up, Si Alhir, Si Alhir, Sinikka Waugh, SIQ, situational leadership, Six Enablers of Business Agility, small bets, Snehal Talati, Social Change, social engineering, social engineering, Software Development, Software Testing, Solutions IQ, SolutionsIQ, SONSI, Sophia Lazar, Soulful Transformation, SoundNotes, Spark Plug Agility, SparkPlug Agility, Sparkplug Agility, Speaking, speedboat, Sprint, Sprint Backlog, Sprint Commitment, Sprint Forecast, Sprint Goal, Sprint Length, Sprint Planning, Sprint Planning, sprint planning, Sprint Review, Sprints and Milestones, Square, Staffing, Steffan Surdek, Stellman-Greene, stephen forte, Stephen Younge, Steve Elliott, Steve Holyer, Steve Winters, Steven Martin, steven slade, Stewart Copeland, stonehenge, Story Mapping, Story Points, Story Points Are Trash, Storylines, Strategic Funding, Strategy, strategy, Strategyzer, stress, stress, Successful Distributed Teams, Sun Tzu, Sun Tzu, supervillains, Supply Chain, Sustainable 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Jim Benson on Systems Thinking and Modus Institute's new Certification and Accreditation programs

Modus Institute recently introduced its new Certification and Accreditation Programs in Lean-Agile Visual Management (LA-VM). This is something they have been working on developing for 12 years. In this episode of the podcast, Jim Benson joins me to discuss Modus’s new offerings. During the interview we discuss Systems Thinking and how it figures into the LA-VM program. Jim also explains why it took 12 years to develop, how each program works, and the tools that these programs will add to a knowledge worker’s arsenal. 

If you’d like to contact Jim for additional information:
Jim’s music on Soundcloud:

This interview is available in both audio and video versions:

Posted on: December 11, 2020 03:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (4)

Agile 2015 Video Podcast - Jim Benson

Jim Benson held court in his Stalwarts session today at Agile 2015 and afterwards he stopped by to talk with Dave Prior to talk about the session, Personal Kanban and how things are going at Modus Cooperandi.

Posted on: August 21, 2015 12:10 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Jim Benson Interview Transcript (WHY LIMIT WIP)

Here is a complete transcript of my interview with Jim Benson. If you'd like to check out the podcasts of the interview you can find them here (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)


Interview Transcript - Jim Benson November 2014

David : Hi.  This is David Prior for Projects for Work, and I’m very excited to have Jim Benson back for another interview and you’ve been on the road for quite a while.  Isn’t it right?

Jim: It is where I live.

David: So thank you for taking some time out for this.  So we’re going to talk about a couple of things today with the first is about the newer of your books Why Limit WIP.

Jim: Okay.

David: Right.   Can you – I guess before we get in that, for folks who may not be familiar with the work that you in it and the Modus Cooperandi, can you explain a little bit about your work and the main focus of your work?

Jim: Sure.  So at Modus Cooperandi we help people and organizations actually understand the work they’re doing so they can manage it better.  We do this primarily through visualizing work and making sure that people are working at a level that is not just as a sustainable pace as agile we’d say but that they’re working actually within their capacity.  So how to measure that capacity, how to understand it, how to figure what impacts that capacity, so if you want to raise it, you actually have to do something to raise it and then how to build cultures of continuous curiosity and improvements.  So cultures that noticed when things are wrong or things could be improved and actually set out to change improve them in a systemic and humanistic way.

David: Cool.  And if people look up Personal Kanban yours is the first name that they’re going to see as well so you’re also pretty famous for that.

Jim: Yeah. 

David: All right.  So you got the new book Why Limit WIP and what’s – I’ve got a lot of sort of deeper questions about the book but first, what is WIP?

Jim: Okay, so WIP is Work in Process such as what you are doing right now.  You as a team, an individual, or an organization.

David: And the premise of the book is that we’re all trying to do so too much at once.

Jim: Exactly.  That we’re all overloaded in some way, and that overload has noticeable, immediate, and deep impacts on quality and the ability to deliver.

David: Okay.

Jim: And the ability to actually enjoy your work because it – it’s just bad.  It feels bad to be overloaded.

David: So do you – I would say at a work level and on a personal level, I feel overloaded all the time but I have noticed that to a certain extent, there’s an addiction to the rush of that feeling overloaded.

Jim: Yeah.  I think that there’s there’s that addiction.  There’s also the opposite which is that when we don’t feel overloaded we feel like we’re not doing enough.  So we feel guilty when we have any leisure time.  So basically if we were – if we were all automobiles, we would feel like we all had to be running at 100 miles an hour all the time in order to be useful.  And I’ve pose that that’s not the healthiest way to live.

David: So I was – one of the things that I was thinking about when I was reading to that was I’m wondering if it’s sort of an evolution in how we deal with things and use our brains.  I mean everybody says you need to be more in the moment, you need to take time out, be reflective and get into things deeper and I can’t remember the last time I sat down and just listen to an album and didn’t do anything else to really get into it.  But we’re so focused on this kind of sorting the mail all the time.

Jim: Right.

David: Maybe – is it possible if we’re just processing everything differently and that this is a permanent thing because of the internet and everything else?

Jim: Well, the internet has been a wonderful and terrible thing for human beings.  I stop and think about it what it took for my father when he was an entrepreneur and businessman to get something done versus how long it takes me to get the same amount of value created.  And because of the internet, because of the immediacy of communication, because of how quickly I can get somebody – a beautiful and complex document describing an idea, I can create value much faster than my father or my grandfather.  But my father and my grandfather also used to do things like go fishing.  And so there’s a definite trade off in how we’re living because we have so many options and so many opportunities that if we don’t seize them, we feel like we failed.

David: Yeah and you mentioned you can create value faster, but we also consume faster.  It’s like we’re eating the food without ever tasting it anymore. –

Jim : Oh, definitely.

David: So we eat more.

Jim: Definitely.  Yes.  And my – commensurate to that, my cost of living right now is ridiculous compared to what my relatives have been throughout their days.

David: So we’re burning the machine just that much harder.

Jim: Yeah, yeah.  Basically we’ve just turned it up to 10 or 11 or –

David: Okay, so this leads me my first question about your book.  So in the book you talked about, the fact that we’re all kind of at an individual and a company level, everybody is so busy processing that they’re not getting to a deeper understanding of what’s actually happening.  And like for me, it was like I work in a mail room.  I sort mail but I never take it anywhere.  

In the book, you’ve got this guy Jason Hold who – the Willy Wonka of mansion, who comes and helps kind of cut through this but just saying, “Stop it.  You’re going to do last and you’re going to finish something.”  If I’m a mid-senior level manager and I have read your book and it’s like the late brooks of the clouds and just lit me up and I totally get it, how do I deal with this when I go back and then I have to convince senior management?  There’s hundred projects left.  Screw that.  Let’s just do three.

Jim: Right, right.  And it’s incredibly hard.  And so just to back up a little bit, so the book itself is half business novel and half discussion of why limiting work in process is if not a silver bullet, at least a bronze bullet.  And being able to have individuals, teams, and organizations be able to better understand what they’re doing, focus on what on what they’re doing, and complete it more quickly and with quality.  Because we have so many options right now, we are constantly trying to exercise all of these options simultaneously.  

And so the corporate level without [inaudible 00:06:34] is way too many projects in a project pipeline.  And it’s not – the frustrating thing and the difficult thing is that all of those projects have some value, and that’s why somebody wants to do them.  So it’s intolerable to see them there and not be able to act on them.  However, what we don’t know is what the capacity is of our software creation machine that we employ. 

So therefore, since we don’t know its capacity, we just keep dumping more and more and more work into it and then we’re overloading it but we’re not understanding why.  And a lot of this is because knowledge work happens in the brain or on a computer, so it’s completely invisible.  

Bosses and workers have no idea what the impact of taking a new task on is because they view that new task in isolation.  Oh, I could do that.  But they don’t see that they have a large amount of commitments already that are going to stop them from doing that.  And when you tell somebody else who comes to you and says, “I have this really great idea,” and they’re excited and they want to do it you say, “I can’t.  I’m too busy.”  That makes you a whiner and that’s not politically advisable.  So you take on the more work even if you do feel like you have to much work.  

So when – the problem is, is it – all these options are very exciting.  They’re very interesting, and they feel very necessary to somebody who’s growing a company.  And if they don’t understand that there really is a capacity issue, they’re going to keep dumping things into the process.  The problem is that they’re not going to see that by you telling them that.  So you have to be able to show them.  You have to be able to create some kind of visual control that shows how work is flowing through your system, the rate which it flows, and the impacts of that rate has on the number of things that you can do at a time.

David: So you’re going to have to start doing experimenting and tracking key times and things like that and finding a way to show that to people.

Jim: Yes, but the –

David: Delays that could cost on projects.

Jim: Yes, so you can do cost of delay.  You can do through put analysis.  You can even show how the current utilization strategy in the organization is leading to higher defects because it’s forcing too many people to do too much work.  And you can do that in reports but people have learned to distrust reports in the written word over the years.  And so basically what they will do is they will take your report, and they will interpret the report also as a political tool.

David: Okay.

Jim: And they will interpret it by their own confirmation bias. So they will get the report.  They will have an idea what’s really happening, and they will read your report in that filter.  But if you can build something like a Kanban, it doesn’t have to be a kanban but it can be something like a Kanban that actually shows over time the impacts of the amount of work coming in and what is it eventually produce whether that’s leading the bottlenecks or work starvation or increased defects or incredible delayed cost or mid-year collisions or integration problems.  All of these things are actually visible if you make a system that shows work flowing.  And if somebody’s watching that, it’s a lot harder for them to argue with it and it’s more likely to give them an epiphany “Oh, I see this we really can only put so many of these sticky notes through this columns at a time.”  

David: Right.

Jim: And then we see the certain amount, the whole system works out.

David: So it’s more like providing them with a way of reporting that doesn’t allow too much room for misinterpretation.

Jim: Exactly.

David: It’s just a straight up.  This is what it is.

Jim : Yeah, you want to show them the movie.  You don’t want to tell them what you think.

David: Yeah, okay.  So one of the things that you just brought up was the fact that people are constantly being given more to do, and this is something I’m maybe more looking for advice on because I ran into this in classes all the time and people say, “Well, they just keep adding more and more, and we don’t have a choice.  We have to do it.”  And I think on the one end, people get – it feels good to be given a lot and told you’re important enough that you have to do this.  So people have this – I think it’s like an addiction to it.  You want that rush because you feel stressed, but I want to look at these people at a time and just shake them and say, “Stop saying yes to stuff you know you can’t do.”  They can tell you to lift a thousand pounds if you know you can’t lift it, it’s irresponsible to say yes.  

Jim: Right.

David: But that’s an empathetic way of responding to a request for now so –

Jim: Right.  What they don’t know is they know they can’t lift a thousand pounds and they probably know they can’t lift five hundred pounds.  But do they know if they can lift a 125 or a 126 or a 137 pounds?

David: Right.

Jim: So because they – because we don’t know ourselves where the end of our capacity is, we treat our capacity as infinite just as much as anybody else does.  And one of the other things is even though those people are complaining about that, let’s say that they’re – each of these people are complaining about [inaudible 00:12:12] and said, “I’m working on five projects right now, and it just feels like too much.”  And you take out your project gun and you say, “Which project should I shoot?”  They’re going to say, “Oh my God. Don’t shoot my project.”

David: Right.

Jim: So – because they’ve got – they’ve already sunk part of themselves into that project.  And we do like what we do even if we’re overworked.  And so once we start to build something, we want to see it get built.  And one of the – one project that we had – I talked about this one a lot actually.  It was a – everybody in the company was working on literally five projects or more, and they were engaging in third-tier support and they were doing side projects that they weren’t telling anybody else about.  So nothing was getting done.  

And of course, because I wanted them to limit their work in process, I have said, you know what?  Why don’t we do where we take each team and make it a discreet unit and each team is just working on one project at a time?  We’ll shell the other four, and we’ll get to them after we finish those projects.  And two things happened.  One is that the management freaked out.  They said you can’t script our portfolio like that.  And they said, well, nothing is getting done.  So would you like to finish something?  And then the engineers – the software engineers themselves completely freaked out because they had all these some costs in each of the projects.

David: Right.

Jim: So I would say finally each team had a Kanban, so is it okay if I – here’s what we’re going to do.  Your Kanbans look beautiful, but they’re all lies.  And they said, “Yeah, we know they’re all lies.  It’s okay.”  So underneath your Kanban, I want you to put a piece of paper and then just put post-it notes for what you’re working on your other projects.  And so the team started to do that.  They had a Kanban, and then underneath they’re starting to put the post-it notes for what they were working on and elsewhere.  And it looked like a hula skirt.  It was just like wall to wall post. 

And so it looked so stupid that everybody just stop and said, “Okay.  We get it.  We have to limit our work in process.”  But I tried to tell that to them verbally, and they wouldn’t buy it.  But the moment they saw it visually, –

David: You showed it to them.

Jim: They’re like “Oh crap.”  That just looks stupid, and I’m that.

David: So I had this thing in classes where somebody mentioned something that I’ve seen happened once where I got an organization to create a Kanban and exactly what you just described happened.  They looked at all the amount of stuff they had in-progress and the extra stuff.  And this person in my class described the same thing happened to her.  That it was so disturbing and overwhelming to look at that the response was “Yeah, we’re not doing Kanban.”

Jim: So I love that response, it’s the ostrich with the head in the sand. 

David: Don’t look down, it won’t [inaudible 00:15:26]

Jim: The ostrich looks up, there’s a dog coming.  He puts his head back in the sand.  So I’m – this is one of the – this is the classic dieting problem.  I’m feeling weak.  You should go exercise.  Yeah, that’ll be – that’s  a good idea.

David: Tomorrow.  I’ll do it tomorrow.

Jim: Do it tomorrow.  In my talk in Frankfurt yesterday, a day before yesterday.  I had a slide that said that human beings took poison so picture of all of these drugs.  And that we drove aggressively, and then we got certified in things.  And so we basically, we always engage in behavior that’s bad for us.  And so what the barrier that you want to breakthrough is not convincing people that they’re doing too much work or that you’re giving people too much work to do.  It’s the – it’s not that painful to get to a better place and one of the problems with people who have been through hard transformations –

David: Right.

Jim: Transformations to wrap or transformations to scram where you just grab everybody –

David: I was about to say transformation to agile, yeah.

Jim: Yesterday you were doing something and today you are doing something entirely different.

David: Right.

Jim: It’s the – the whole point of what we want to do with the Kanban is do exactly what happened to those people.  I want you to look at this, and then I want you to say, “Oh my God.  That is ugly.”

David: Right.

Jim: And then you have –

David: What am I going to do about it?

Jim: Yeah.  You have three decisions at that point.  You can either run away from it.  You can do something from it or to it or you can basically just freak out.  And the problem that you mentioned in the beginning which is – that your – the people outside your organization are pushing or your team are pushing work into team.  This is one of the problems that we have engendered by having a team focus over the last 20 years.  So we’re focused so much on teams that we removed them from the rest of the company.  And we’ve allowed organizations to say things like “I don’t get what’s going on in IT.”

David: Right.

Jim: That should be the thing that’s intolerable to us.  So the nice thing about the board is when we put the board up, and we start to actually use it even if it’s painful and ugly we see what’s happening and other people see what’s happening.

David: Okay.

Jim: And you can make a decision about it, and your decision can be – do scrum forever.  Your decision can be go back to waterfall.  It can be I would rather build ball bearings.  But – or I would rather slowly and methodically and incrementally create a process that actually works for my team, which is opposite of what I would like to say.  

But one of the things I tell people a lot is we seem to think that business – you know there’s a saying, “It’s just business.”  Well, saying “It’s just business” is exactly like saying it’s just marriage, except worst.  

So if we think – if it’s hard to go home and communicate reliably with one person that we love more than anyone else on earth why do we think we can go to work every day and communicate well with thirty people we barely care about?  So we need to understand that working with other people is totally necessary and not easy.  And the systems that we build needs to promote communication in the team and outside the team as opposed to hinder it. 

David: So how do you trigger the – I mean the awareness should be as obviously a positive thing, how can you trigger action?  Is there a way to do that?  If I work with people and I know that they can see it, this is – we have this giant Hollister, this is really bad.  But we have to do it.

Jim: Yeah, yeah and so –

David: Get them pass that.

Jim: Well, so there is one thing – so with that particular group, when you’ve got 15 teams of people all staring at the same problem and then you have crazy person like me standing in front of them saying, “You can fix this, and the fixes are fairly easy.”  Conceptually they are difficult because you’re so – you’re in so much pain because over the years things have been so poorly managed.  But truthfully, all you guys really have to do is just do a reasonable amount of work at a time and give yourself some breathing room so that you can understand what you’re doing.  You can do it better and you can complete it.  And then we get back to the original thing that you said which is how do you tell somebody no.

David: Right.

Jim: You shouldn’t have to tell somebody no, but right now you can’t because you have no tools to tell them no.  

David: Okay.

Jim: What you should tell them is I want to continue working with you, and I love your ideas, and I want to build these things.  Now, where in the queue shall we prioritize this?  Is it a new feature?  Is it a project in itself?  Is it just a task that I need to get done or that somebody needs to get done?  Is it an emergency?  Is it nice to have?  Is it a need to have?  

Let’s actually figure out– let’s do some things that we’ve been afraid to do for several years.  Let’s actually prioritize it for real.  Let it interrupt us if it’s – if it’s that important.  But let’s really treat work with the respect that it deserves while we’re also treating the individuals with the respect that it deserves.  So the beginning of the Agile Manifesto, the first word in that caplet of the Agile Manifesto is the word “individuals.”  But everything we talked about in Agile is about teams.

David: So having respect for – you said having respect for the work and the people and trying to be aware and conscious of choices that you’re making.

Jim: Yeah, yeah.  And then also having – funny thing happens when you put the board up and you visualize everything is happening – where the works coming from, who’s doing what and when.  As a coder, I will notice that something I coded is stuck in testing and I own a little of that.  That piece of code is a little piece of me.  And before it was just – it would up into some black hole and then after a while someone comes back and say, “I’ve got a problem with your code.”

David: Right.

Jim: So then you get like my code, you know you must be your testing and I know what I was doing when I was coding it.  But if you see it, just go over there in the car and just sit.  After a while you’re going to say, “Why is that car just sitting there?”  And you go to the testing people and say, “Hey, do you need help in this?”  We’re really stuck on this.  We want to facilitate ownership of the product from cradle to grave by everyone who’s involved in the product?

David: Okay.

Jim: And if you don’t have that, then you’ll never have the insights necessary to say no.

David: All right.  So they have to all work on it together.

Jim: Uh-huh.

David: Cool.  You also talk about utilization, and I’ve been running into more and more.  It seems like recently people are focused on utilization and a couple of Agile tools are now saying they can help you kind of  level people and make sure they are fully utilized.  

Jim: Yeah.

David: I would argue it’s probably not healthy and I would assume that you would agree that they need some downtime as well but when you talk about Kanban overload, is there a way to measure that and consider it as a factor in utilization?  So that I could say well, here’s a project that should take 50% of my available time from an hours’ perspective but mentally, it’s going to take up this much more.

Jim: Yes, well that’s definitely part of it.  So Tonianne, my co-author, has this story where in Washington, D.C. there was a bunch of historians and they were sitting around reading and historians actually have bosses and their boss walks in.  Their boss actually was Newt Gingrich, walked in and looked around and said, “I don’t pay you guys just to sit around and read.”  And then we walks out and they’re like, “What do you pay us to do?”  Because they were thinking right that’s what – that’s what they do for a living.  

And so there is that part of it but the other part of it is I have spoken at more conferences than I can count and more time -- or have given a lot of classes and I have never had more than one or two people in audiences of hundreds raise their hands when I’ve asked the question “Who here needs more to do?”  

So utilization is by no means a problem in suffer development.  The problem is that we have no clarity into what’s actually being done, how much effort it actually has to take, and what the work is to actually complete something.  So there’s a for years there’s been this one study that we’ve gone back to that says 83% of all features in software are rarely or never used.

David: Right.

Jim: And so we say well, we should be better at figuring out what that 17% are and that’s absolutely true.  But, sometimes or all the time I would actually argue when you’re inventing something new, you need to build several versions of it and try them out to figure out what the right one is.  And it doesn’t make those options that you’ve discarded waste, and it doesn’t mean those people are wasting their time or underutilized.  It means that discovery in software development is a major part of my development process and it’s not just coding testing integration in earliest.  

David: Okay.

Jim: So utilization is a very tricky subject because we are trying to move.  Right now, if you walk up to any team and there was a – imagine on the wall there’s this knob and it says “utilization” and it has no markers.

David: Okay.

Jim: So just  a blank knob on a blank wall.  And somebody says, “Go change utilization for the better.”

David: They’re going to turn it up every time.

Jim: Yeah, you’re going to turn it up or you’re going to turn it down, but either way you don’t even actually know how much you’re turning it up or turning it down because you don’t even know the gauge on which the knob has been set.  It’s just a blank knob.  So right now, what we’re doing is we are trying to impact a variable because we are frustrated but not because we actually have the information that we need to act.

David: Okay.  What about the push – I mean even – even in Agile companies like Agile Consulting Companies, there’s a push at people booked at a 100% of the time and they say well, if your whole team is working at over 80% capacity for the entire month or a quarter then you can get a bonus or whatever but that means that those people never have time to get better.

Jim: Well, and I would argue actually is what that means is you’ve just created a lot of technical debt.  So people don’t – because we don’t understand the work and because we don’t understand the capacity, we also don’t understand the impacts of overloading the system.  So we don’t understand at what rate do we start to see dimension returns; where is it that we start to see additional cost of delay; where is it do we start to see additional defects and escaped defects; and how often are things coming or used stories coming back because they’re buggy; how often are we building features that we never needed in the first place; how often are we building features that are built like an engineer.  We’ve built them but not like a customer would use.  So higher utilization usually means greater number of lines of code written.

David: Right.

Jim: But greater amount of crop.

David: Well, true.  Well, so when I gave a personal comment recently and somebody thanked me for having a [inaudible 00:28:43] it’s okay to take naps.  And one of the things that – you just got off this big long trip you’ve been flying for a while.  And you are going to need – I’m assuming you’re going to need some time to recover.

Jim: Yes.

David: Where you’re not doing anything or you’re not doing – productively contributing to some output because you need to have time to rebalance from being gone and being on a flight.  But people don’t consider that to be valuable time.

Jim: Right, right.  It’s a –

David: How do you deal with that?

Jim: Well, so let’s say – let’s say that for a moment that you are a smart phone.  And somebody talks to you until you have 1% percent of battery left, and then you say, “Hey, I’m a smart phone and I need to be charged.”  And somebody says while you’re being charged, that’s not productive time.

David: Right.

Jim: And so it’s like, no, I am the most wonderful and most complex machine on the planet.  But I’m still – I still need to eat.  I still need to sleep, and I still need to go to concerts and to look at sky from time to time.

David: Right.

Jim: And we need to recognize that the this is the thing is that because our work is knowledge work and it’s highly creative, and we’re using the most resource intensive part of our body because our brain burns a lot of calories.  So when we’re thinking, we’re working pretty hard.  It’s people say you’re just sitting around all day but you are burning just as much calorie –

David: [inaudible 00:30:23] telling me I’m sitting around all day and you just figure out of the wire into my head.

Jim: Right.  Well, so that’s another part of balance right is the – as organisms, we actually do need to get around, get up and walk around.  We need to walk up and down some stairs.  We need to eat a certain amount of fruits and vegetables and grains and meats.  And if we don’t do these things, then we’re going to create crappier and crappier code.  And – 

David: But we’ll have more of it.

Jim: Yeah, [inaudible 00:30:55] that’s why we will have more of it.  But the thing is for a brief beautiful period of time there, we didn’t have a lot of bandwidth and phones were pretty stupid.  So we were back in – back where – all of a sudden we’ve reverted back into this kind of glorious age that we were at when we had Apple tools and [inaudible 00:31:18], where we had like 16K and you couldn’t do very much.  

Now, unfortunately, we’re backed-up to where we can bloat our phones and we can bloat the internet just like we bloated desktop applications in the ‘80s and the ‘90s.  Success went up a par.  But I – so we can’t limit our WIP by – the technology won’t let us limit our WIP that way anymore.

David: So we have to become mature about what we’re doing somehow.

Jim: We do but mostly what we have to do is realize that our attempt at optimization of utilization is actually a direct de-optimization of the people who are actually doing the work.  And you can’t just optimize part of a system.  So when you are creating software, you have the human, their body.  You have the human, their brain.  The human, their psyche and you have their time and their energy and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  So right now, we’re just optimizing for time that is a highly local optimization of an incredibly brittle system that will not function with that focus – with that optimizational focus.

David: Cool.  So there’s – I mean I guess people are looking at it from a very simplistic standpoint instead a more healthy holistic way of understanding what actually takes to get viable stuff done.

Jim: Exactly.  And I mean it’s – because one of the hardest things about this is I – even just with the word holistic is that when you start to take a systems thinking approach to knowledge work and then you start to have to deal with the soft sides of things that people are uncomfortable with – being polite, having empathy.  Understanding that if somebody doesn’t go home for five days to visit their daughter, they’re going to become a real pain in the ass.  That starts to feel mushy and granolaee and crunchy.  And that’s the real danger here is that there’s nothing but hard science behind this but the elucidation of it sounds very haggy.  So –

David: I think – I think the hard part is it makes total sense but it runs counter to what people have grown up thinking from the idea of everybody works in a factory all day.

Jim: Yeah –

David: [inaudible 00:33:43] the machine.

Jim: And it’s very anti-calvinistic and we still live especially in the US but even in Europe and in some ways, Asia’s even worse.  We live in a very Calivinistic society where there is work to be done and you got to get out and do it.  And the problem is there used to be work that you had to get out and do because if you didn’t repair that fence, all of the cows would leave.  But now it’s you have to get out and do this 45 projects because I thought of them.

David: Right.

Jim: And it’s like –

David: And that makes some valuable because you they were in your thought.

Jim: Exactly.  And so we have to realize that just as you couldn’t send your son out in 1920 to build 17 fences in one day.  You also can’t have somebody go out and write 6,000 lines of code every single day.

David: Cool.  All right.  So the book is called Why Limit WIP.  You can get it at Amazon, and if you’re subscribing to that new unlimited Kindle thing, it’s even free.

Jim: Yeah, yes it is.

David: Cool.  So I want to ask you about the school and the new stuff you have gone on because that’s pretty exciting as well.

Jim: Oh you bet.  So really quickly, we are in the process of preparing for a launch of something called Modus Institute and it’s at  At least it’s flash pages now.  And we are building an online school that will be teaching next generation project management techniques.  We’ve gathered together 30 of the best sought leaders and practitioners and lean software development and modern or I guess whatever we are calling management today.  There’s no word for it yet. 

And this is an online school that has a learning – your own pace model but it also has direct access to instructors and peers.  So we not only want to build a school where you go and look at videos, which is what all the other schools have but we also want to build a strong community of practice.  So when people learn about Kanban or they take a class and try to get in it and they learn about Monte Carlo simulations or metrics or from Dave Gray learning about the different ways to visualize and brainstorm.  That after they learn those techniques and they start to implement them, they can have – you can have conversations with peers and with the instructors.  

So you’re not just hung out to dry.  It’s like a real university online.  And our first class is on managing successful distributed teams and that will be ready in the beginning of January.  So we’re going to launch in Q1 of 2015, and we’re really looking forward to it.

David: Cool.  I think it’s great.  I mean that people that you’ve got to involved I’m psyched about them.  I’m hoping at some point, there’s going to be something metrics-related because you’ve got some of the stuff Troy is doing is really awesome and Dave as well.

Jim: Yeah.  So Troy and Dave [inaudible 00:37:03].  So that’s one of the things.  I mean we just mentioned that there’s the soft side of better management, and there’s also the hard side.  There are real metrics and by real, I mean actually real metrics that measure how a team is doing, how an individual is doing, and allows not only them to improve but allows you to make projections and do away with estimates and move right into actual statistical probabilistic forecasting.  So it’s a – hopefully the workplace of the future is a place for people actually enjoy going to work and they get a ridiculous amount done because they’re not doing the wrong things.

David: Well and with this I think also the people – your people – the people will have access to the instructors one-on-one.

Jim: You bet.

David: That’s great.  All right.  So this is going to come out in January.  I’ll put up a link to the institute as well.  But when this – when it does go out, I would love a chance to talk to you guys about it again.

Jim: Oh, absolutely.  That would be fun.

David: Cool.  All right.  So thank you very much.  I hope you get to recover from the travel a little bit, and I hope everybody’s going to go pick up the Why Limit WIP book and also Why Plans Fail as well.

Jim: Indeed.

David: Because both were helpful.  Cool.  All right, Jim, thanks a lot.  Really appreciate it.

Jim: Thanks, Dave.

David: Cool.


Posted on: December 08, 2014 11:14 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Why Limit WIP - An Interview with Jim Benson (podcast interview with link to transcript)

Jim Benson and the folks at Modus Cooperandi have some great stuff going on. I had the chance to interview Jim recently about his new book "Why Limit WIP", some of the new offerings coming from Modus Cooperandi and (of course) Personal Kanban.

Follow the links below to check out parts 1-3 of the interview.  

If you'd like to read a transcript of the interview, you can find it here.

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

Interview Part 3

Posted on: December 08, 2014 11:09 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

What happened to October?

October got away from me. There were grand plans for blog posts and podcasts.

It’s good to plan things out. That’s how you know what isn’t going to happen.

At the beginning of this month I had the pleasure of speaking at the Digital PM Summit 2014. It was an inspiring two days that left me feeling more excited about the work I do than I have in a long time.

If you weren’t able to attend, you can check out the presentations here:

I was at the conference to give a talk called Personal Kanban - Less Guilt, More Finishing. The presentation was based on my Personal Kanban experiments. The experiment was a success, but not the success I was aiming for.

I wanted to be good at Personal Kanban. What I ended up being was someone with a much deeper understanding of how completely of the rails his approach to work is. But, they say knowing you have a problem is the first step. 

In my classes I always say that learning about project management is something you can’t undo. It is etched onto your soul. I could no easier stop being a guy who grew up in an Irish Catholic home in Philly than I could stop seeing everything I do as a project with a measure of success and a WBS. (It just takes a few seconds for the Agile mods to kick in and turn it into a backlog now.)

And now, I’m finding that practicing Personal Kanban is changing the way I look at work on as deep a level as project management did. What I am learning is that no matter how I try to get better at it, I’m still not getting to a point where I’d feel okay saying I’m good at it. What is happening though is that I'm discovering that being good at it is not the point. In fact, getting the items into the Done column isn’t really the point for me right now either. The point is learning more about how and why I am working, and using that information to make conscious, responsible decisions about what to change and what experiments to run.

My favorite moment at the Digital PM Symposium was when Mike Monteiro gave his presentation on “What Your Client’s Don’t Know and Why It’s Your Fault”. Mike is a compelling speaker and even though he comes from a design background, his message is just as applicable for those of us who manage projects. We need to be aware of what we are doing, make conscious decisions and take ownership of the impact. I’ve run across a number of project management professionals over the past few months who have expressed frustration about all that is dumped on them and all the roadblocks placed in their path and (insert your excuses here). We all have this… me too. I think it is normal and completely okay to have moments where we each play the role of victim and have our little “woe is me” party. (Because let’s face it, no one is ever going to do that for a PM.) But when that part is over, we need to shake it off and dig in. So, when I say that I'm still not good at Personal Kanban, the important thing is to realize why I work the way I do and to be conscious and mindful about what choices I am making. If you are a PM Managing projects, when someone asks you to do something that is impossible, you've got a choice to make. Whether you say yes, or no, the two screenshots  below from Mike’s presentation apply.

...and I’ve got them tacked up on the wall next to my desk to remind me every day.



Posted on: October 31, 2014 12:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."

- Robert Frost

