Individual and collective negativity can derail new product ideas and innovations before they ever have a chance. Here are three useful practices to overcome our inherent bias against the unknown, and to give adept thinking a seat at the strategic planning table.
There is no such thing as business-as-usual anymore. Organizations can’t sit back and wait for innovation to happen. It has to be part of their culture, technology and processes. Here, a digital transformation specialist shares insights on innovation barriers, buy-in and passion projects.
Artificial intelligence and advance machine learning, virtual reality, conversational systems, and digital platforms are among the top technology trends that will be strategic priorities for most organizations in 2017, according to research presented by Gartner.
The Space Foundation has received a grant from the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation to fund an initiative to help teachers and students prepare for the demands of the future workforce.
Our thought process relies on pattern recognition, categorization and prediction, and we tend to search for pathways we have followed in the past. This “efficiency rut” can limit the flow of ideas. Here are 5 keys to unlocking your innate creativity, from cultivating a resilience to failure, to silencing our tendency to predict results.
Most project managers welcome clear-cut goals and processes. Likewise, they are uneasy around uncertainty, be it open-ended objectives or vague direction. But ambiguity can present an opportunity — to think creatively, to take a risk, perhaps, and try something new that just might lead to an exceptional outcome.
How do you spark new innovation in an organization with set ways? Start by making innovation part of everyone’s job description. Provide the training, time and space to do it. Fight fear and resistance early and often. Lastly, recognize and reward innovation every chance you get.
Are you looking for a project management collaboration tool? There are plenty out there to choose from. Here are seven tips to narrow down your selection.
By focusing exclusively on efficiency, organizations have lost their ability to innovate, says business school dean, author and entrepreneur Jim Dewald. They need to invest in discovering opportunities, value transparency, and support managers who can balance the tension between individual initiative and structural controls.
Digital business transformation will be substantial in the next five years, and will drive strategic investment, product innovation, customer satisfaction and profits, according to a Gartner survey of CEOs and senior business executives.
"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world."