Project Management

Knowledge Sharing

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Toward A Project Philosophy

by David Schmaltz

No recipe ever baked a cake. While we might rely upon experience and knowledge to guide our projects, something else bridges many of them. Consider the Operational Imperative: that all work must be tangible, time-bound and produce discernible results, and how little work today seems to be characterized in this way.

Web Work

by Dave Prior

Carson Pierce, director of project management for web design firm Yellow Pencil, discusses the recent Digital PM Summit and how it differed from other PM conferences … why pure Scrum is a tough sell to clients ... and the community’s efforts to develop a methodology that addresses the unique challenges faced by digital project managers. [19:00]

Take Two on Change

by Angela Workman-Stark

With 70 percent of change initiatives doomed for failure, many executives are hesitant to lead or champion efforts that so often do more harm than good. But after disbanding a change initiative in 2008, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police applied several lessons learned and found success in transforming its governance, culture and accountability.

Project Tribes

by Alfredo Zangara, PMP

The knowledge found in project teams can be invaluable, but it isn’t always shared or understood by those outside "the tribe.” Technologies, processes and mindsets are evolving to create a new era of collaboration. By following key principles, tribal knowledge can be turned into organizational power.

Managing Organizational Knowledge

by Gary Laverty

An experienced-based book on managing organizational knowledge outlines the fundamentals and evolution of the discipline, and presents strategies, tools and templates to create an effective knowledge management environment. Ultimately, the book is a “call for action” to manage a valuable organizational asset before it is too late.

The Agile “Skinny”

by Dave Prior

ESI’s Matt Ferguson talks about realistically assessing an organization’s agile needs and readiness, focusing on three key variables: knowledge, application and support. He also sees the emergence of a “three-party system” in project management, representing traditional, agile and hybrid approaches. [15:30]

Working Together Better

by Dave Prior

In part two of her chat with Dave Prior, Agile author and coach Esther Derby discusses the different expectations our emerging workforce brings, and the new ways of working they will foster, from flattened hierarchies to greater lateral engagement. Along the way, scaling Agile will be essential. [18:05]

When Experience Walks Out the Door

by Mark Bashrum

Many organizations are coming face-to-face with the reality that much of their institutional knowledge may be stretched thin or, worse, preparing to walk out the door. Experience cannot be replaced, but it can be leveraged with a commitment to a culture of execution. Here are five essential steps.

To Teach A PM: Dancing Bears

by David Schmaltz

For any subject as personal as project management, it might make more sense to teach with mouth shut and to learn with mind open. Few experiences are more reassuring than discovering some universal principle for yourself and applying it to your project world. The Five-Minute Project Plan is an example.

Improvements As Experiments

by Gil Broza

When change is presented as a mandate or “best practice” there are often destructive consequences that undermine the intended benefits. A better approach is to reframe and carry out improvement efforts as experiments. This can facilitate deeper learning and team building, not to mention create added value in unexpected ways.

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"Nothing worth learning can be taught."

- Oscar Wilde

