Project Management

Knowledge Sharing

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Learn Your Lessons

by John D'Entremont

Lessons learned play a fundamental role in sustaining project success in your organization — and your career. Here are suggestions for bringing a disciplined approach to the gathering of best practices to follow (and pitfalls to avoid). It's based on a series of questions that address the project lifecycle and process phases.

Don't Be Anti-Social

by Ty Kiisel

When it comes to leveraging social media techniques on projects, the most important place to start is frame of mind. It’s not about mimicking Facebook in the workplace, but rather removing barriers to communication and information-sharing. Project leaders who do will improve team camaraderie and productivity.

Deploying Social Media Tools

by Elizabeth Harrin

Harnessing the power of social media tools can greatly improve the communication and collaboration on your projects. But a test drive is prudent, and you must take into account team skills and location, among other considerations, before you dive in. Here are five pre-requisites for a successful social media deployment.

Moms, Projects & Social Media

by Ty Kiisel

Project leaders are using social media in significant ways, from improving collaboration on dispersed teams to connecting with a wider group of subject matter experts. One PM says it is like a “customizable mentor.” And a network of 3.9 million blogging moms would suggest it is here to stay, whether you’re managing a family or a different kind of project.

Before You Begin, Learn

by Gareth Byatt Gary Hamilton Jeff Hodgkinson

If we do not take the time to truly understand previous project experiences — both our own and those of others — how can we expect to improve our project outcomes? Here are a few pointers for capturing, assimilating, sharing and applying all those lessons learned.

The Social PM Approach

by Catherine Constantinides

Product development requires a unified, collaborative team effort. A social project management framework, combined with the right social tools, helps to connect team activities to the product development process and stakeholders. The benefits include increased visibility, more accurate estimates, responsive, real-time analysis and streamlined workflows.

Some Skin In the Game

by Ty Kiisel

A huge challenge we face as project leaders is creating an atmosphere where everyone on the team takes ownership of their tasks and the bigger picture. To get people to commit on a deeper level, tools need to go beyond status updates; they need to provide transparency and visibility into the meaning behind the work.

Don’t Lose Your Institutional Memory

by William J. Rothwell

A subset of knowledge management, technical succession planning is a process that identifies an organization’s critically important information, who possesses it, and how to pass it on to others if they leave. Here is a seven-step model for implementing a technical succession planning program, and suggestions for overcoming some inevitable barriers.

Bash PMI? How About Thanks?

by Mark Price Perry

People seem to think that the Project Management Institute is all about pushing burdensome, plan-driven, pre-codified approaches. Quite the contrary, PMI provides the worldwide platform, leadership and knowledge to help the community figure out what works, and it was on display in the person of PMI president Mark Langley at a recent event.

Finish Strong

by Jeff Oltmann

You shouldn’t wait until the end of your project to start thinking about how to close it. Here are seven tips to ensure your projects don’t stumble at the finish line and transition smoothly to ongoing operations or follow-on initiatives.

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"How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world."

- William Shakespeare

