Project Management


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Change Readiness Assessment


Change management requires continuous communication, active sponsorship, stakeholder buy-in and tailored training. Project leaders can use this spreadsheet-based assessment tool to evaluate their organization's change readiness and to provide guidance on better preparing for change initiatives.

The Color of Projects

by Kristyn Medeiros

Red and green signify more than holiday spirit for most project managers. Along with yellow, these colors are used to indicate the status of a project — be it real, implied or imagined. Here are some helpful thoughts to keep in mind when using red, yellow and green to represent your project's health.

Know the Influencers

by Samuel B. Bacharach

All organizations have key "influencers" who can help bring a project to life — or stop it dead in its tracks. Here's some advice on how to identify and persuade four types of influencers — Top Dogs, Gatekeepers, Gurus and Players — to move your initiatives and ideas forward.

PM Obstacles: Miracle Work

by Vicki Wrona, PMP

Some organizations expect project managers to be “miracle workers” who produce results without the active support or involvement of leadership. And sometimes project managers are able to leverage resources, meet deadlines and achieve deliverables under these conditions. But it’s not a long-term strategy for success.

PM Obstacles: Turf Protection

by Vicki Wrona, PMP

Organizational silos and poor communication are often the result of “turf wars” in which groups or teams value their interests over cross-functional cooperation for the good of the entire enterprise. Here are some ideas to help project managers operate in this environment and overcome its harmful effects.


by Karen Chovan

Project managers and organizations need to be mindful of the public stakeholders who might be affected by their initiatives in social, environmental or economic ways. They need to listen to their concerns and prioritize them alongside the potential benefits. This is the intersection of risk management and sustainability, and the cost of not practicing it can be enormous.

Using Software Project Metrics

by Don Beckett

Software measurement by itself does not resolve budget, schedule or staffing issues for projects or portfolios, but it does provide a basis upon which informed decisions can be made. Here are examples of how to use metrics to determine present capabilities, assess whether plans are feasible, and explore trade-offs if they are not.

Taking On Project Demons

by Eric Bergman

In navigating your way through a haunted house of overzealous stakeholders, zombie spreadsheets, Frankenstein systems and other project management nightmares, you might take some inspiration from popular demon hunters.

A Lead Role in Software Success

by Don Beckett

When organizations base their decisions on desires instead of data, it usually backfires. Here are four important actions that executives, PMO directors and program leaders can take to improve the predictability and success rate of their software development and enhancement projects.

Change Leadership Review


Do your change initiatives create high levels of uncertainty, frustration and wasted effort? Is the human side of change valued through coaching, communication and recognition? This review template can help executives, project/program managers and implementation teams evaluate the effectiveness of change leadership in their organization.

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"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."

- Bertrand Russell

