Project Management

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Putting the P in PMO

by Jim Harris

What is the P in PM, and, for that matter, PMO? What is really being managed, project, program or portfolio? This article explores the murky environment and a possible new direction for the PMO of the 21st century.

Putting the Business in IT Strategy

by Andy Jordan

For too many organizations, IT strategy has become an oxymoron--IT is simply a follower of business strategy. That results in lost opportunities--but those can be avoided if IT learns how to relate to the business.

Putting the 'E' in PMO

by Andy Jordan

In the next few years the PMO is going to evolve considerably as EPMOs become the new norm. The concept of an EPMO is gathering support in a lot of different environments, and the recent economic challenges have only accelerated the process. In this article, we look at what that might mean for traditional PMOs and identify some of the things that you can do for the arrival of an EPMO in your organization.

Putting the 'Management' Back in Career Management

by Andy Jordan

Project managers spend much of their working lives managing. So why don’t we spend more time managing our own careers? Here are a few thoughts on how each and every one of us can start proactively managing our career—and influence our future success.

Putting the Pieces Together

by Michael Wood

Are you familiar with the new Joint Framework IT Governance Standard, the first attempt to develop a universal standard that will work in Europe and the United States? This work in progress will undergo many changes and recalibrations over the coming years, but it's not too soon to familiarize yourself with its components.

Putting the 'Pro' into Proactive Calling

by Mike Donoghue

Developing a beneficial environment and focusing call center and support energies into a more proactive role requires another level of integration within an organization. Since it is another way to represent the image of your company, it will need some degree of support to provide integrated service. Here's how you can do it.

Putting the Vision Back into Your Project’s Mission

by Ken Whitaker

How many of us start a project thinking that we understood the reason behind doing the project in the first place? There’s about half of us who never aligned the project’s mission with the overall department or company vision, resulting in poorly made decisions--and possibly a breakdown in team morale. Providing a project focus that supports a larger purpose is particularly important for fast-paced, adjusting agile projects.

Pyramid of Results, Motivation and Ability

by Braden Kelley

When engaging in a change effort, it is important to focus not on outputs but on outcomes. The difference is sometimes subtle for people, but the biggest difference is that outputs are usually activity-based, where outcomes are behavior-based. Here we look at some behavior modification frameworks.


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"If you can dream it, you can do it."

- Walt Disney

