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1978 items found

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Parachute Projects

by Kathleen Ryan O'Connor

When you're catapulted into an ongoing project, the situtation is often volatile, potential minefields abound, and there isn't much time to ramp up and get the existing team on your side. Revamping plans and schedules is almost always critical, but rarely sufficient. Here are seven best practices to hit the ground running.

Parametric Cost and Duration Estimation


Parametric Estimation is an estimating technique which uses bottom-up approach to calculate estimated cost and duration based on inputs from historical data and project parameters. It is calculated based on mathematical relationship between historical data and other variables such as product output per day and cost per unit.

Parametric Estimating


Parametric Estimation as the name suggests is based on parameters, a number of units you need to do. In many cases based on industry published tables, then adjusted by region and season. Some large organizations have built detailed historical data that can be used.

Pardon from the Governor

by Mike Donoghue

It doesn’t seem to matter what methodologies are used--success is not a guarantee. While eyes always turn to the PM for blame, isn’t it time we examined why another significant party should also be sharing that burden?

Pareto Analysis


A technique used to identify the few factors that have the greatest impact on an outcome, result, or on measures of quality, satisfaction or performance. Separating these "vital few" from the "trivial many" is generally known as the "80/20" rule. Applying this rule to sources of problems would mean that, on average, 80 percent o...

Pareto Diagram


A Pareto diagram is a vertical bar chart that identifies the critical few from the uncritical many: A histogram, ordered by frequency of occurrence, that shows how many results were generated by each identified cause.

Pareto Diagram


Pareto Diagram was originally designed by the Italian economist Pareto. It was originally used to represent the distribution of national income.

Pareto Diagram


Pareto Diagram was originally designed by the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. It was originally used to represent the distribution of national income.

Pareto's Principle (Part 1)

by Richard L. Diamond & Jennifer S. Diamond

Use scope definition to build relationships, not destroy them. Making considered decisions on how much to spend to get the right business benefit is a team approach when you try some old thinking in new ways. Read on for more in applying the 80/20 rule for project scope and success control.

Pareto's Principle (Part 2)

by Richard L. Diamond & Jennifer S. Diamond

Use scope definition to build relationships, not destroy them. Making considered decisions on how much to spend to get the right business benefit is a team approach when you try some old thinking in new ways. Read on for more in applying the 80/20 rule for project scope and success control. As the series continues, we look at how the rule works.


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"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

- Charlie Chaplin

