Project delivery principles guide project managers to work toward a successful project outcome. In this article, the practitioner outlines project delivery principles as they relate to patient care as a project.
When taking the helm of a team that has been struggling without consistent leadership, direction or supportive processes in place, it can be tempting to change as much as possible as soon as possible. But sometimes strong leadership requires patience to help a team evolve into all it can be.
Project management skills can also be applied to improve the quality of care when you or your loved ones are a patient. Use this tracking template to help you keep track of patient medications and essential information. For more advice, see < href=>The Patient as a Project Part 1 and Part 2.
Many software development organizations are discovering that they must be agile--but they seldom know much about Scrum. This article explains and describes some of the most commonly observed patterns that arise in organizations that implement “big” Scrum.
Despite our best planning efforts, unexpected events will bring problems to some projects. When they do, resist the temptation to respond in an ad hoc fashion to get back on track. It’s better to perform a formal assessment and make changes with the same care that went into the original plan.
By accepting resource insufficiencies when assembling their plans, project managers blur the costs of the resulting inefficiencies. But by optimizing the critical path schedule, they can capture the impact on project profit of delays caused by resource bottlenecks — and at least make a more persuasive, bottomline case for hiring vital resources for future projects.
A new study details how organizations worldwide are leveraging project portfolio management software to significantly increase efficiencies, cut costs and drive revenue.
The Mac versus PC debate has been going on for some time with strongly held opinions on both sides of the monitor. More recently, the project management community has been debating agile versus so-called traditional techniques. And there are certainly similarities in how both discussions can be framed and, perhaps, resolved.
You may have heard that the PDU Category Structure is changing in December, but are you clear on what it changes from and to? This article illustrates those changes, contrasting the current structure to the new structure and discussing some of the implications.
As part of our mission to make project managers more successful, we’re out to make getting and keeping your PMP certification a little bit easier. One way to do this is by presenting PDU “qualifying activities” to stream right to your screen. It’s entertaining, engaging, educational and, best of all, easy.