Project Management

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Your Soft Side, Part 2

by Alicja Ruszala

Once organizations have defined the intangible competencies that make up successful project managers -- and projects -- they need to consider the best ways to assess these 'soft skills.'

Your Sponsorship Shortlist

by Andrea Brockmeier

Even the best project managers stand to fail without sponsorship. So how do you get sponsorship for projects when there may not be organizational support for the role? Identifying a shortlist of sponsorship needs in simple terms can help set the stage for developing that critical PM-sponsor partnership.

Your Stakeholders Are [Here]

by Drew Davison

Stakeholders can make or break major change initiatives. But project managers often struggle to get stakeholders to collaborate and consider the impact of their decisions. Here is a framework for actively engaging your stakeholders throughout the project, starting with identifying and managing four key roles.

Your Strategy Needs a Foundation

by Andy Jordan

Developing and executing strategies is part of what all project-driven enterprises do, but it’s not enough. Organizations need to have values—they need to stand for something. Is your strategy built on priorities or values?

Your Strategy Needs an Implementation Strategy

by Irfan Shariff

There is an implementation gap that contributes to the failure of good strategies. The root cause? Most organizations don’t have actionable strategies for implementing strategy (got that?). Here is some practical advice for project practitioners.

Your Sustainability Opportunity as a PM

by Bruce Harpham

You might feel that sustainability decisions for your organization are largely out of your hands. Don’t get discouraged—there are practical steps you can take.

You're Not Fired!

by Dave Garrett

Kelly Perdew survived one of the toughest job interviews in securing his win on television's hit The Apprentice 2. The successful businessman took some time out to share his winning project management strategies and philosophies with gantthead.

You're Only as Agile as You Feel

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

We keep positioning agile as an either/or proposition. And we do that in particular when we think about agile as compared to waterfall. There is an assumption that not only is agile different, but that agile has to be different. And that's a problem.


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"The reason why worry kills more people than hard work is that more people worry than work."

- Robert Frost

