Project Management

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126 items found

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You're Slipping

by Johanna Rothman

Your software project is not going to meet schedule. Maybe requirements have taken longer; perhaps in the middle of implementation, the team uncovered something requiring redesign; maybe developers haven’t met one milestone yet and you’re worried about the test time. What do you do?

You're Studying Wrong—Spaced Learning Study Skills Can Help

by Mike Griffiths

Adult education has evolved since many of us were at school. We now understand more about learning and the effectiveness of various exam preparation techniques. This article explores some modern alternatives to the old-school methods.

You've Built it, But Will They Come?

by Doug DeCarlo, Principal, The Doug DeCarlo Group

The overall goal of an organization change program is to ensure that the project deliverable is sufficiently adopted by the customer community in a way that the intended business benefits are realized. So how do you do that?

You've Got Issues

by Gopal Kapur

Unresolved issues on projects are like potholes — if left untended they will grow larger, hurting the performance of the team and the quality of the end product. Here are ways to avoid a bumpy ride.

You've Got Issues

by Andrew Davis

Communicating problems to stakeholders is a tricky task for project managers. Calling attention to every issue can annoy them and even destroy their confidence in you and the team. Letting a critical issue slide can be worse. The key is to prioritize and take ownership of the resolutions.

You've Got the Look?

by Bob Weinstein

It may not be fair or equitable, but physical appearance has an enormous impact on most people’s lives---and careers.


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