Hi everyone! I am still new in project management scope I would appreciate if anyone who experience in project to explain what is deliverables in project. In my own understanding, deliverables is the ...
I bumped into the confused action of accepting the deliverables during two processes when preparing for my capm exam. As I am beginner in the field of project management so please help me to figure ou ...
There is a lot of examples of exploiting an opportunity, but I am not seeing many for enhancing. I am not clear on where to draw the line between the two. For example, I came across this question.
I ...
by Michael O'Brochta, PMI-ACP, PMP, Kendall Lott, Greg Balestrero, Alan Richter PMI Washington, DC Chapter
According to the Project Management Institute, ethics is about making the best possible decisions concerning people, resources, and the environment. Every PMP® must sign off on a set of values: Honesty, Responsibility, Respect, and Fairness. But ethics – whether it’s business, personal, or abstract – often inhabits a grey area, where neither right nor wrongfully prevails.
You can’t completely avoid pits of despair when projects start to go south, but you can control how you manage through them. Ensure you are the one steady at the stick so you can help everyone navigate through the pit with these tips.
Closing out a project should represent the end of a project manager’s involvement. But is it really that simple? This article explores the factors that make it difficult for the project manager to close out the project on the last day and provides guidelines to help make that day a successful one and allow the project manager to step gracefully toward the exit.
As more and more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) turn their focus toward software as a service (SaaS) model to leverage the advantages of improved productivity and business growth at lower costs, it becomes extremely important to carefully map out the methodology by which a SaaS supplier, software, and services are selected.
When companies hire a contractor to conduct work, how much ownership do the companies retain for that work? Where is the line between managing and oversight? Definitions in management roles help reduce confusion within a contractual relationship—for those on both sides of the equation.
PMs with well-honed soft skills tend to be more successful, even if their technical skills are average. But which skills are the most relevant, and in what combinations? How do we know if we have these skills? Are they learnable?
"Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around wondering about yourself."