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Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 4)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

In this ancient guide to project management, we learn that profiting from the past is a critical part of both project planning and risk management. In this installment, we explore Romans' value of family and education, as well as their excellent reputation for innovative engineering, two things we can definitely apply to modern project management.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 5)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

In this ancient guide to project management, we learn that profiting from the past is a critical part of both project planning and risk management. In this installment, we will examine the remaining two enabling factors that allowed the Romans to be successful in the area of engineering.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 6)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

Here we are at the mid-point of our 12-part series. We have seen the underlying principles that made up the Roman way of life and led to their success. We've explored the principles that made their engineering so successful. Now let's spend some time examining their planning and risk management techniques.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 7)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

In the first half of our series, we explored the principles and competencies that led to the Romans' success. It is now time to examine the chronological history of ancient Rome, so we can see specifically how it rose to such glory (and later, how it fell).

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 8)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

As our Ancient Guide to Modern Project Magagement continues, we examine the rise and fall of Rome in a chronological manner. In this installment, we will watch Rome rise from an early monarchy to an organized republic and see it expand through military expertise and strategic alliances, and then watch it go from a republic to a dictatorship.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 9)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

Since we've covered a thousand years of Roman history in a few relatively short chapters, there are obviously some details that have been left out. However, what we have seen were the highlights of the rise of Rome, which is enough to get a sense of what worked and what didn't. Now let's explore how these lessons are applicable to us as project managers as our Ancient Guide to Modern Project Management continues.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 10)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

You knew it was coming: the fall. As our Ancient Guide to Modern Project Magagement continues, we look at the decline of the Roman Empire and get a glimpse at some of the lessons in store for us in the realm of project management.

Lessons From the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire (Part 11)

by Jerry Manas, PMP

In our last installment, we saw how Rome declined after the death of Marcus Aurelius, and how various elements led to Rome's vulnerability and ultimate fall. Let's now explore the valuable lessons we have learned from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, and how these lessons can be applied to modern project management.

A Sporting Chance

by Jerry Manas, PMP

How can project managers get a lesson in dealing with uncertainty? Here are seven valuable project management lessons from the world of sports coaches.

The Extreme Beatles: Seven Steps to Self-Mastery

by Jerry Manas, PMP

If we want to learn something, it is wise to examine others who have done it well--and self-mastery is no exception. Here are seven lessons that we can extract from the unprecedented success of The Beatles.


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"There is more to life than increasing its speed."

- Mahatma Gandhi

