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You searched for: jerry manas ( "JERRY" AND "MANAS")

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GRRREAT Projects! Six Things to Get Right

by Jerry Manas, PMP

After years of observing projects, seven areas stand out as things we simply need to get right. Projects that get these elements right are nearly always successful.

The Right Stuff: Measuring What Counts

by Jerry Manas, PMP

There is a subtle but important difference between measuring outcomes and measuring people. So what should we measure? Here are five measures that can bring about extraordinary results.

Truths Mickey Told Me: Lessons from Disney

by Jerry Manas, PMP

This writers experience with the Disney Institute--the learning arm of the Walt Disney organization--provided fresh approaches in achieving excellence through--and with--people.

Virtual Performance: Harvesting the Power of Virtual Teams

by Jerry Manas, PMP

The effect of multitasking is just one of many variables this author is trying to uncover in his research of virtual teams. Find out what he's learned--and join in the fun by taking a survey that is sure to provide further enlightenment.

Simplifying PM: Six Power Tips for Doing More with Less

by Jerry Manas, PMP

We need to apply more focus on valuable activities toward valuable outcomes. With this in mind, let’s examine six “power tips” that can help us focus on valuable activities, simplify our processes and enable the “necessary” to speak.

Agile Fear

by Jerry Manas, PMP

Agile got you anxious? One way to address the fears of management--and to possibly make agile PM more palatable to the masses--is to adopt and publicize the following seven principles, which will help make agile more...agile.

Conquering Complexity with Agility

by Jerry Manas, PMP

When managing projects--especially those in extreme environments, where speed and agility are the name of the game--complexity can be a real killer. But simpler processes, clearer communication and greater focus can lead to breakthrough success in organizations and in projects.

The Incredible Shrinking Project Manager

by Jerry Manas, PMP

When it comes to traditional projects, an effective project manager who does some essential tasks well clearly adds value in improving predictability, perception and the likelihood of success. But can the same be said for agile projects? Or is there a different set of skills and/or roles needed?


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"Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought--particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things."

- Woody Allen

