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You searched for: jerry manas ( "JERRY" AND "MANAS")

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Were the Mayans Right About Your PMO?

by Jerry Manas

It could very well be near the end of the world for your PMO unless your organization is prepared to properly address five undeniable trends: resource demand; predictive analytics; innovation; portfolio management-led integration of strategy, finance and operations; and, of course, Agile.

People, Priorities, Productivity

by Jerry Manas

Today’s “do more with less” mandate makes the ability to optimize finite project resources more critical than ever. A recent benchmark study provides a blueprint for improving your organization’s resource management and capacity planning, starting with visibility.

10 Tips for Better Estimates

by Jerry Manas

Bad project estimates cause costly delays, scope creep and inefficient resource allocation across programs and portfolios. Here are 10 ways to generate more accurate estimates throughout your organization, starting with a multi-phased approach and including top-down and bottom-up methods.

A Bigger Boat or Smaller Shark

by Jerry Manas

In the face of limited resources, executives and project leaders simply can’t keep up with the shifting priorities, emergent activities and sheer complexity of managing demand across an entire organization. This is the fundamental issue that inspired a new handbook on resource management and capacity planning.

Using PPM to Curb Complexity

by Jerry Manas

Some problems can’t be solved on the back of a napkin. Managing resource capacity and demand in a complex enterprise environment is a good example. A project portfolio management system can help in four critical, connected areas: visibility, prioritization, optimization and integration.

Sacre Bleu! Napoleon, Project Manager?

by Karen Klein

Author Jerry Manas doesn't regard project managers as "enlightened despots" as some have called the infamous French Emperor. But in his forthcoming book he suggests that his fellow project managers could learn a lot from six principles that the little dictator lived by.

From Chaos to Control


A new global benchmarking study on the state of resource management and capacity planning describes pain points and identifies best practices for organizations to stop wasting resources on the wrong opportunities, and to mitigate lost revenue and costs due to missed market windows.

Leadership Resource Guide: There's No Such Thing as a Perfect Leader, But You Can Get Close

by Kelley Hunsberger

There’s no such thing as a perfect leader—but these resources should help you get pretty darn close. There’s certainly no shortage of brilliant advice about leadership, but not all of it is really relevant to project managers. Here’s a look inside some books, blogs and websites that cover leadership with a project management slant.


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"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."

- Euripides

