Culture change is a part of many projects, whether officially recognized or not. Specifying critical details in the components of your project plan will save you from unnecessary pain and suffering.
A case study on the benefits that governance can bring to a project proves that if you haven't done so yet, it's time to consider a formal governance function for your projects.
In attempting to solve problems, project managers too often overlook the best solution: the project team. This article outlines why the team has the best practical solutions--even when they may not be the best theoretical solutions.
Establishing a project management community of practice requires a modest amount of effort, but if you follow these steps, you’ll have your first community of practice meeting within a few weeks.
A PM succeeds or fails based on their relationships, but how do you actively manage them? Here we look at three key aspects of CRM for project managers.
The three most dangerous words in project management: out of scope. When you're done screaming, read on to find out why that one simple term should be avoided like the plague.
When it comes to managing projects, more organizations are testing the agile waters. Some are diving right in, while others are dipping their toes, wondering what dangers lurk beneath the surface. Some begin swimming quickly, never looking back; others don’t get much past doggy-paddling.
A niche PPM solution has helped a rapidly growing Ohio university take IT project work to the next level. Not only did it knock out redundant projects, the buy-in from senior leadership was surprisingly fast. And Franklin University liked what it saw enough to bring it completely in house within the first year.
…would still look like modern project management. The value-driven benefits of scrums, stories and showcases have made sense well before the emergence of Agile. And they certainly aren’t incompatible with so-called “traditional” project management concepts and techniques.