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You searched for: Operational-Risk-Levels (OPERATIONAL-RISK-LEVELS)

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Stakeholders! Identifying, Prioritizing, and Engaging Them on Your Programs and Projects| Virtual Experience Series (October 2021)

by Alex Carter
October 06, 2021 | 40:18 | Views: 679 | PDUs: 0.75 | Rating: 4.62 / 5

When the U.S. Army released the long-awaited critique of its successes and failures in the Iraq War, many questioned how honest the Army would be with itself. A review of the documents, however, revealed an unflinching account of some of the Service’s key failures in planning and executing military operations at all levels of engagement—strategic, operational, and tactical. One explanation is that Army leaders did not fully understand the operating environment in Iraq—its totalitarian government structure, tribal allegiances, underlying ethnic tensions, and aged infrastructure. Planning assumptions were made without the insight, advice, and counsel from key individuals whose expertise would have been beneficial.

Enabling Sustainability through Organizational Project Management

by Raju Rao
September 14, 2023 | 60:55 | Views: 9,529 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.35 / 5

Sustainability has become a key parameter for organizations and this means that projects and operations have to be planned and implemented with this objective. At the project level it may be difficult to bring in sustainability initiatives because often times the scope of the project is already determined or it is contractual. To get a sustainability perspective one has to consider it beyond a project outcome and further this needs to be addressed by senior management. Therefore, an organizational level approach would be more appropriate.

RapidStartPMO - A New Approach to Delivering Strategy and Driving Enterprise Transformation

Jan 10, 2017 12:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

The initial stages of PMO setup are critical and when practitioners focus too much on the philosophical aspects of the task at hand, executives grow impatient and the organization becomes frustrated by the lack of progress. With these high stakes PMO leaders must create a pragmatic approach that allows them to quickly ramp up capabilities and deliver value to the organization as early as possible.


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"There is nothing more difficult than talking about music."

- Camille Saint-Saens

