A structured technique to enable organizations to assess their strengths (S) and weakness (W) and identify their opportunities (O) and possible threats (T). A strength is something that the enterprise does well, or is an asset, skill, or network of contacts employed. (In addition, strength...
The alignment of strategic planning with execution stands as a critical yet often elusive goal. Here we explore how project managers can serve as the pivotal bridge, ensuring that strategic plans are not just visionary documents, but roadmaps to tangible outcomes.
Re-engaging your team after the holiday break is a critical opportunity to set the tone for the year ahead. Use these strategies to build momentum and create a positive environment to welcome the team back.
Emotional competence and emotional capital refer to the essential set of personal and social skills to recognize, interpret, and respond constructively to emotions in oneself and others. The term implies ease around others and determines one's ability to effectively and successfully lead and express.
A set of techniques to facilitate group decision-making, prioritisation, and/or evaluation of alternatives. Geographically based decision-making techniques help structure ideas and focus attention on evaluating each criteria carefully to enable more effective decisions. Criteria can be qualitative or quantitative, depending on the nature of the decision to be made or problem to be solved.