Project Management

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Purpose as a Lens for Finding Project Success

by Devin de Lange

A project initiated with a clear goal in mind turns into a series of tasks to be completed. The focus shifts from the client’s needs and their purpose to getting the work done. The problem? The project purpose and client’s needs should be what is driving each task throughout the project, which often isn't the case.

Pursue Your Dreams – There’s a Niche for Everyone

by Andy Jordan

PM skills are in high demand and there’s a supply shortage that’s driving opportunities. In the current working environment, project managers have more ability to control their careers than ever before—and they need to take advantage of that opportunity to achieve everything they want.

Pursuing a Project Nightmare

by Michael Wood

What can you do to make sure your projects fail--and fail in a big way? History and experience have shown this writer that it's an art form unto itself. Here are some ideas to consider to help make your next project a colossal misfire.

Pursuing Program Management Certification

by Michael Chiu

Many project managers are expanding the scope of their skills into program management, which offers career advancement and new opportunities in a competitive job market. Here, a certified PMP explains how he has benefited from a U.K.-based program management credential, and why he chose it instead of the PgMP certification offered by PMI.

Pushing Back Is Leadership

by Andy Jordan

Project managers must also be leaders within their organizations — after all, a major part of your role is to make sure that the right things are being done in the right way to maximize the chances of the enterprise achieving its goals. And to do this, you can’t blindly follow what you know is wrong.

Put Some Detail In Your PMO's Role

by Ted Stephens

Based on the scope of your PMO’s responsibilities, you need to clearly define its role in each project-related process. Those roles, in turn, will help determine the size of your staff, what skills they need, and the organizational structure of the PMO.

Put the Portfolio First in PPM

by PowerSteering

Too many organizations emphasize the “project” part of project portfolio management at the expense of the portfolio. But project execution means little if you’re not working on the right projects.


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A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.

- Dan Quayle

