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April 27, 2017 | online
Now on demand! PMXPO 2017 is the 10th edition of ProjectManagement.com's annual virtual conference and exhibition--our biggest event yet, led by our keynote "On the Edge: The Art of High-Impact Leadership" by adventurer Alison Levine! Thanks for making the live event our biggest one yet! You can still catch the sessions on demand!
March 22, 2018 | online
Now on demand! Our 11th annual PMXPO was our largest online virtual event yet! We set a record-breaking attendance number due to great attendees like yourself and the insightful-groundbreaking sessions—led by our uniquely funny and talented keynote speaker Joel H. Cohen, Emmy-winning writer and producer of The Simpsons. Check out Joel and all the other sessions on demand!
March 21, 2019 | Online
Now on demand! We kick off the 12th edition of our annual virtual conference and exhibition with some spectacular speakers and game-changing sessions. This year’s keynote speaker is Derreck Kayongo, founder of the Global Soap Project. Whether you’re a seasoned PM or new to the field, this is an excellent opportunity to learn, network, earn PDUs, and broaden your perspective on project management.
March 26, 2020 | online
We start the new decade with a bang as we present the 13th edition of our annual virtual conference and exhibition! Whether you’re a seasoned PM or new to the field, PMXPO provides an excellent opportunity to learn, network, earn PDUs and broaden your perspective on project management. This year’s show is headlined by keynote speaker Cara Brookins, a bestselling author who rebuilt her broken family by building her own house watching “how-to” videos on YouTube.
March 20, 2025 | online
Register for PMXP0 2025 to unlock the skills and insights that empower you to drive meaningful change in your projects and our world. This free virtual event provides new and experienced Project Professionals the opportunity to explore our groundbreaking resources, earn PDUs, and discover how the project profession is making an impact on the world’s biggest challenges.
March 26, 2020 | Online
It all started in 2008 when we went to Mt. Everest and shared some challenges to help us succeed in our projects. Ten years later, we returned to the world's highest peak for some lessons in leadership—a celebration of a decade-long run of PMXPOs! In between and since, we've had an amazing collection of keynote presentations, collected here for your convenience. Revisit a favorite or discover one you missed, and join us as we start our second successful decade!
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"[Musicians] talk of nothing but money and jobs. Give me businessmen every time. They really are interested in music and art."
- Jean Sibelius, explaining why he rarely invited musicians to his home.