Project Management
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Data Warehouse Tool Selection Plan

PREMIUM project plan

This Microsoft Project plan can serve as a guide to evaluating vendor tools for your data warehouse. It includes a Gantt chart schedule and cost analysis for the complete tool selection process.

Distributed Application Development Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

Imagine if you could get the stages and steps of a Distributed Application Development methodology distilled into a ready-to-use Microsoft Project plan. You can! Download it now.

RAD Customer Business Service System Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

This comprehensive project plan proposes a Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach to implementing a complete customer business service system (processing of customer contacts, accounts, billing, etc.). It reports the findings of a six-week planning/investigative phase and forecasts the analysis, design, construction and testing phases of the project.

Extranet Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

Here is an example of a complete web site development project plan, from Requirements Planning (Discovery) through Deployment.

Intranet Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

This sample plan can give you a good sense of how long an Intranet design can take. You can create your own plan from this example.

Package Selection Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

Here's a sample Project Plan (in Microsoft Project format) on which you can model your application package evaluation/selection project.

Sample Intranet Project Plan

PREMIUM project plan

What does a finished plan for building an intranet look like? Here's a sample Work Breakdown Structure in MS Project Plan format.


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Waiting for the time when I can finally say that this has all been wonderful but now I'm on my way.

- Phish

