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Quality Review Checklist for Project Definition


Before you launch into the nitty-gritty details of your project plan, such as scheduling and resourcing, you had better make sure the project is in alignment with business objectives. Does it fit in with the existing business and technical environments of the enterprise? Is it even feasible? Does the customer approve of the proposed solution? Have you defined the solution clearly so you can plan it efficiently? Check it against this list.

Deliverable Review Checklist and Guidelines


A formal deliverable review by committee is a necessary evil of a software project. Guidelines for conducting deliverable review sessions must be established and followed. Check your deliverable review procedures against this list to make sure your reviews are productive and professional.

Risk Minimization Checklist


Minimize the risk of something going wrong on your project because of a planning oversight. Check your project plan to make sure you have done the activities recommended in this checklist.

Check Your Project Management Approach

PREMIUM checklist

Wondering why your projects don't sail so smoothly? Looking to improve your project management approach? Use this checklist periodically, especially when you have time on and between projects to do some serious evaluation of how you really strategize, plan and manage your projects. It will reveal the adjustments you need to make to increase your chances of success on your future projects and reveal ways to improve your current project and capitalize on those things that are working best.

Proposal Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

You and your project group are putting together a proposal--literally. This checklist (broken down into administrative, technical and financial sections) helps you keep track of what you need to include.

Start of Project Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

The beginning of a project is a busy and exciting time. It is easy to overlook details that may have a major effect on the course of the project. Use this checklist to assure yourself that the details are covered before you launch into action.

Project Viability Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

This checklist will help you decide whether your project is an idea whose time has come--or something better left undone. Call it a reality check!

Project Plan Review


Your project plan will determine how good (or bad) life will be for you and your team over the course of the project. A good project plan uses the proper inputs, addresses good planning practices, and is positioned for ongoing use through the life of the project. Put sufficient effort into the plan and double-check it against a guideline, such as this checklist.

Quality Review Checklist for Software Package Procurement

PREMIUM checklist

Buying a software package? How do you know which package best suits your business environment and which vendor will serve you best? This checklist will help you evaluate the key questions and tend to the important details of procuring the right packaged application.

Application Development Risk Assessment Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

Building an application? This checklist outlines 52 potential risk areas in application development, defining low, medium and high risk levels for each. Classifying your project risk in each of these areas will not only guide you in forming mitigation strategies, but really help you focus your management attention during the course of the project.


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I only know two pieces of music. One of them is 'Claire de Lune.' The other one isn't.

- Victor Borge

