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Design Milestones Review Checklists


This Design Milestones Review Checklist contains four worksheets: Design Milestones, High-Level Pre-Design, Technical Requirements, and Documentation and User Interface.

Guide to Deployment Readiness Checklists

PREMIUM checklist

This document, upon approval and sign-off, assumes the following as it serves as a pre-approval stage deliverable confirming the deployment of the new project/product into production: (1) All project stakeholders and project support organizations have been consulted prior to project/product deployment; (2) Identified tasks during the Project Planning phase have been completed, or that these tasks are implemented to best possible ability of the project team (with documented approvals and exceptions).

Project Post-Implementation Review Checklist

PREMIUM checklist

This template helps you focus on project results and to understand: technical success, business benefits and lessons learned. Your findings will help you make final tweaks and adjustments, close the project effectively and contribute to your organization's ability to effectively conduct future projects.

Deployment Preparation and Follow-up Checklist for Ongoing Maintenance


You've worked hard on your project, and you are about to deploy and implement the final product. Now, have you thought about how the product is to be maintained after you've turned it over to the client? This checklist will help you put a plan into place for post-deployment maintenance.

Productivity Checklist


Sure, you're busy. You're a project manager. Busy is your first, middle and last name. But are you productive? This checklist will help even the best project managers be better at their job.

Project Management Consultant Checklist


You’ve decided to hire a consultant to help you with your project. Now it’s time to get the right person for your job. Here are the questions to ask in a handy checklist form.

Post-Implementation Operations Planning Checklist


You're about to turn over the fruits of your project's labor to your client. You and the client need to agree how the product will be operated and maintained after implementation. This checklist will help.

IT Project Benefits A-Z Checklist


What are the benefits of doing an IT project? Our A-Z checklist (well, actually it's A-V) lists key benefits and asks the hard questions for you to consider when putting together that business case or project proposal.

Checklist for Successful Software Projects

PREMIUM checklist

Software projects fail for a reason. They are successful for a reason, too. This checklist spells out what to do--and what to avoid. See where your project stands.


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"Wagner's music is better than it sounds."

- Mark Twain

