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PREMIUM presentation
Even when speaking the same language, we all interpret words in our own way, with our own filters and supported by our personal or organizational context. We sometimes forget that others may define or react to the exact same word much differently than we do. In addition, organizations and areas within organizations may use and interpret the same word differently, depending on the context. As project managers, we don’t always understand the impact various contexts and these different interpretations can have on an organization’s ability to successfully implement change. As such we may find ourselves dodging verbal hand grenades – terms that can blow our organizational change projects right out of the water!
PREMIUM presentation
The project management profession has been around for more than a century and will continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future. We know that project managers are often equipped with a multitude of technical tools that support them in effectively managing a project that aligns to strategy. The opportunity to learn about specific capabilities and tools that support the project beyond the technical aspects is sometimes limited. This presentation presents three relatively universal capabilities that project managers will practice for a long time to come. We'll zero in on three specific and pragmatic tools that the project manager can use to effectively manage projects to there desired outcomes.
PREMIUM presentation
In projects it is important that the project manager know who's on first.. They can facilitate the negotiation of and agreement to project roles. They can also orient people to their role. And the sooner the better. The sooner those involved in projects understand their role and how it relates to the roles of others on the project, the more effective they can be in their roles when executing the project. Everyone knowing who's on first can prevent much confusion and reduce the number of problems you encounter on a project.
PREMIUM presentation
The project is done and you are wrapping things up. There is one key step that you and your organization must take is conducting the Post Implementation Review (PIR). You can call it lessons learned or a benefits realization or a PIR. Regardless, it is often not done frequently enough and when done, it is not done well. This is very unfortunate because the PIR is critical to provide you, your project team and the organization the opportunity to get better at managing and governing projects. Join us for this Project HEADWAY webinar when we will explore the the meaningful PIR. There is only one rule for this webinar - No Pointing Fingers!
PREMIUM presentation
Project Management Offices have come and gone in many organizations. Sometimes they are deemed to be successful but many times they are unceremoniously buried. The success of a PMO is defined when the PMO mandate is being identified and defined during infancy, not when it is up and running. To support your PMO’s success, join us in this Project HEADWAY webinar where we examine the different types of PMO's, the role each plays and the essential factors that must be in place to ensure its success. Establishing the right PMO with a well defined purpose can be like giving your organization a present from Old Saint Nick himself!
PREMIUM presentation
Do you ever find yourself resolving interpersonal conflicts and issues on your project team? Supporting team members and others with less experience? Helping your sponsor become more effective? These are all examples of where you might play the role of a coach. There are a host of situations where you have an opportunity to helps others to challenges themselves, achieve results and succeed. Project management is much more than simply bringing in the project in on time, on budget and on scope. Project management involves people and whenever you add people to a project, interesting things begin to happen. This month's Project HEADWAY webinar will examine the role that you play or can play as a coach on your projects and within your organization. We will introduce a coaching process for project managers, examine at some of the actions to take and the pitfalls to avoid. Join us! This just might just be the tool that wins you the project game.
PREMIUM presentation
In the world of project management, the community of practice is becoming a very useful tool for project managers, PMO's and organizations to increase their project management maturity and overall practices. Communities of practice can be an effective conduit between organizations and the project management cabal found in any organization. They can identify challenges, generate ideas, test assumptions, pilot processes and gain feedback on the current project management methodologies, practices and tools. Join us in January's Project HEADWAY webinar, when we explore the concept of the community of practice and look to understand how it is relevant to almost every organization. Please join us!
PREMIUM presentation
Over the last number of years, the concept of sustainability has taken on a much larger role in the collective psyche of the global community. Kyoto and Climate Change aside, the spirited environmental conversation has left an indelible mark on how we approach and think about the colour the environment. But what about its affect on projects and project management? How has it impacted your discipline and your projects? Join us for this Project HEADWAY webinar where we will explore the greening of project management and examine the role that the project manager can and maybe should play. This is a newer area of interest and should provide for some fascinating opportunities for discussion.
PREMIUM presentation
This webinar offers practical insights, techniques, and case examples for how to set up and manage a successful, business driven, PMO. Developed in response to member feedback from project organizations of all shapes and sizes throughout the Middle East.
PREMIUM presentation
In any organization, projects are done for a reason. It might be a sound, well thought out justification or a project could even be undertaken on a mere whim, but there are always perceived benefits behind every one. However, only some projects realize these benefits while other fail miserably, but how will you know? How do you determine that your project achieved the expected benefits? While many organizations are becoming better at defining the expected benefits, they assume the benefits are met and fail to follow-up on confirming the realization has actually occurred. Join us for the month's Project HEADWAY webinar when we examine benefits realization from a portfolio perspective. What are the key steps a portfolio needs to take and what are some of the pitfalls it needs to avoid? Join us for this month's webinar and explore the benefits.
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"An intellectual snob is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger."
- Dan Rather