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Author: G. Winfield Treese and Lawrence C. Stewart
Internet commerce poised to revolutionize the way we do business is quickly becoming a reality, with an exploding number of Internet business sites now being deployed. If you are thinking about taking the Internet commerce plunge, read this book. Written by two of the most experienced practitioners in this burgeoning field, Designing Systems for Internet Commerce will guide you through the business and technical considerations of building fully functioning, secure, and financially successful Internet commerce systems. Both comprehensive and practical, this book explains the fundamental principles of system design, reveals best design practices, and offers reality-based advice on implementation. It explores the common issues and critical questions to ask when planning a system for Internet commerce. In addition, it describes the key technologies relevant to electronic commerce and explains how to apply them using numerous examples. The authors'' special focus is problem solving: They discuss the many potential risks, challenges, and stumbling blocks of Internet commerce systems and how best to deal with them. This information will enable you to anticipate and solve the problems you are likely to face, helping you implement an Internet commerce system that effectively serves the needs of your organization and its customers.
Read on for the SDTimes "Book Watch" review .
Author: Walker Royce
ISBN: 0-201-30958-0
Software Project Management presents a new management framework uniquely suited to the complexities of modern software development.
Author: Mark Hoffman, Ted Beaumont
ISBN: 1-883884-45-4
This book offers practical advice from veteran consultants who use common sense to get through the toughest project management challenges.
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by Dean Leffingwell
[This Article Provided Courtesy of PMI]
Most projects start off by asking twice as much as is possible given the existing resources. This shouldn't be accepted as just "the way things are"--we can partner with the customer to keep application development scope in line.
Author: Michael J.A. Berry and Gordon Linoff
ISBN: 0471179809
Learn how to quickly and easily access the wealth of information in your information systems. With data mining, companies can analyze customers' past behaviors in order to make strategic decisions for the future. This book is a practical guide to mining business data to help marketers and business managers focus their marketing and sales strategies. It explains how each mining technique works and what kinds of business problems each one can solve.
white paper
by Marc Demarest
Marc Demarest applies urban planning rules to organizing your Intranet. If your site is a mishmash of unrelated subsites you might want to check this out.
white paper
by Richard R. Reisman
A convergence for the next generation in electronic media-based activity.
Author: Steve Smith, James Lewis
ISBN: 0-7494-2484-2
If you are involved in setting up and managing a project, this practical guide will be indispensible.
Author: James Lewis
ISBN: 0-8144-7835-2
Culled from the best practices of experts in the field, this concise new WorkSmart book explains how to juggle multiple tasks on a complex project from start to finish.
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by Naomi Karten
Your customers' level of satisfaction can be affected by changes in either their expectations or your performance. That means you have to pay attention to both. Learn how here.
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"The creator of the universe works in mysterious ways. But he uses a base ten counting system and likes round numbers."
- Scott Adams