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See what Swift LMS Platform can do for you…
All requirements are important, but they are prioritized to deliver the greatest and most immediate business benefits early. Developers will initially try to deliver all the Must have, Should have and Could have requirements but the Should and Could requirements will be the first to be removed if the delivery timescale looks threatened.
What is information security?
Extreme programming (XP) is a software development methodology which is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer requirements. As a type of agile software development, it advocates frequent "releases" in short development cycles, which is intended to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints at which new customer requirements can be adopted.
The Kano model is a theory for product development and customer satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano, which classifies customer preferences into five categories.
What is Product Management and who are the Product Managers?
A set of interrelated techniques and/or activities, undertaken to maximize project investment decisions. This includes project demand management, project ranking, portfolio balancing, enterprise resource planning and master scheduling. To successfully implement enterprise portfolio management, an organization must embrace transparency, be forthcoming and honest in investment analysis and possess competent managers responsible for projects, on-going operations and assets.
The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in management, business analysis, project management, and software development to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement; it is also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis.
Basic Orientation
Change is an indispensable trait for development so it’s an important organ of Project Management. A change effort or initiative must start with a vision.
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"To generalize is to be an idiot." - William Blake |