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Community Guide of the PMI-ACP|Community Guide of the PMI-ACP Continuous-Improvement-Product-Process-People|Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People){br}
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Community Guide of the PMI-ACP|Community Guide of the PMI-ACP Continuous-Improvement-Product-Process-People|Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People){br}
This technique is used to set specific objectives for an enterprise as a whole and/or for a particular enterprise change project or initiative. An objective can be defined as a specific result the enterprise (or project) would like to achieve with...
It all started in 2008 when we went to Mt. Everest and shared some challenges to help us succeed in our projects. Ten years later, we returned to the world's highest peak for some lessons in leadership—a celebration of a decade-long run of PMXPOs! In between and since, we've had an amazing collection of keynote presentations, collected here for your convenience. Revisit a favorite or discover one you missed, and join us as we start our second successful decade!
We start the new decade with a bang as we present the 13th edition of our annual virtual conference and exhibition! Whether you’re a seasoned PM or new to the field, PMXPO provides an excellent opportunity to learn, network, earn PDUs and broaden your perspective on project management. This year’s show is headlined by keynote speaker Cara Brookins, a bestselling author who rebuilt her broken family by building her own house watching “how-to” videos on YouTube.
Cash flows are used throughout business and in project management as a means of reporting income and expenditure.
List of stakeholders who are influencing and get impacted by the execution of Program and individual projects sharing the same benefits which are part of the Program...
Apportionment method is also known as analogous estimating, uses historical data of past projects that are relatively standard to allocate duration and costs to various segments of the current project. This is performed by assigning percentages of the total planned duration or costs to each segment. It is commonly used in projects that are relatively standard with minimal variation. The percentages are assigned with close reference to past projects' resources and costs allocation.
Functional testing is a type of testing performed to ensure that the system or software conforms to the specifications and/or requirements laid down for it. Functional tests cases should be traceable to requirements.
Created by Dean Leffingwell, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), is an approach to scaling agile practices across an enterprise. Providing guidance at the portfolio, program and team level, its’ a proven framework based on the principles of Lean and Agile.
CARVER (Criticality, Accessibility, Return, Vulnerability, Effect, and Recognizability) relative to the objective and mission of the project
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"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" - Albert Einstein |