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134 items found

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Project Management and Workplace Respect

by Paul Pelletier

This blog is dedicated to raising awareness about workplace respect in relation to project management. Workplace disrespect is a worldwide problem that is exceedingly damaging to projects and business. Incivility negatively impacts project success and results in financial, human resources, productivity, risk management, and legal costs. There are many things PMs and organizations can do to prevent and address workplace disrespect. This blog aims to help guide the way.

Risk Insights from The Risk Doctor

by David Hillson

David Hillson, The Risk Doctor, shares key tips on understanding and managing risk, blending thought-leadership with expert practical application. Managing risk is easy - find out how!

People and Projects

by Andy Kaufman

The source of your greatest joys as a project manager will be the same as your biggest challenges: people. This is a blog for discussing issues related to leading teams and delivering projects.

Communication Excellence in Project Management

by Bill Brantley

Although Project Managers spend 90% of their time communicating, communication in project management is the most underdeveloped skill for project managers. This blog will help Project Managers become better communicators and thus, better Project Managers.


by Michael Adams

The PM Interface is a place for discussions, insights, and personal experiences related to project management. Here you'll find articles with an interesting perspective relating to a variety of PM topics. Please leave a comment, or disagreement. Your feedback is valuable.

The Agile Mindset Explorer

by Horia Slusanschi

In this blog you will find posts examining various facets of Agile ways of thinking and working, and their influence on or relationship with Project Management. For clarity, I define Agile as a way of thinking and working intended to delight customers and make work joyful. If you're not focused on delighting your customers, your competition will overtake you. If you don't make work joyful for your teams, your most talented people will migrate to competitors who do so.


by Michael Joseph Frenette

Effective requirements collection, management and traceability plus smart PM practices equals project success.

Trying to be Agile

by Bob Tarne

A blog about my experiences with agile project management as I continue on my Shu Ha Ri journey. I will share experiences from clients (anonymously of course) along with my reflections as I inspect and adapt.

Benefits Realization

by David Davis

This blog will look at the practice of benefits realization and how it applies to both Program Management and the overall Portfolio, Program, Project Methodology (as well as Business Analysis and Organizational Change Management)

The Money Files

by Elizabeth Harrin

A blog that looks at all aspects of project and program finances from budgets, estimating and accounting to getting a pay rise and managing contracts. Written by Elizabeth Harrin from


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"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible."

- Albert Einstein

