Project Management

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Change HEADWAY: Extreme Project Management - Building the Bridge as You Walk On It

Jul 21, 2009 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

The notion of "on-time, on-buget, on-scope" seems to be more of a myth than reality and the idea of being able to plan the whole project at the beginning and sticking close to our project plan is long dead. In this Change HEADWAY webinar we examine the concept of extreme project management and explore some of the opportunities this project management approach presents and the pitfalls we should avoid.

Project HEADWAY Webinar: Selling Project Management to Your Organization: Are They Buying?

Jun 16, 2009 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

In this Project HEADWAY webinar, we interview Mark Mullaly, the President of Interthink Consulting Incorporated and a co-lead of PMI's Value of Project Management research study. Mark will provide insights into the challenges that we experience and offer suggestions for how we can try to gain the support and commitment of management to the project management process.

Project HEADWAY: Managing a Virtual Team: It's More Than Just The Phone

Apr 21, 2009 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

An increasing number of projects now involve team members from multiple locations across the city, the state, the country or even the world. This Project HEADWAY webinar will examine virtual teams and provide thoughts and suggestions on how you can manage them more effectively. Please join us because it really does involve more than the phone.

Change HEADWAY: The Value of the Lessons Learned Exercise: Gaining Understanding From Our Projects

Feb 10, 2009 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)

A good lessons learned session is more than just an exercise in asking questions. It is about the willingness to hear the answers and make the necessary changes to avoid the same problems on current and future projects. It is not about finger pointing. It is about collectively assessing opportunities to build stronger projects. This Change HEADWAY webinar will explore what makes a good lessons learned discussion work.

Change HEADWAY: Planning for Change: Incorporating Change into a Project

Jan 20, 2009 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)

As project managers, we should incorporate change management activities into our project management plans to increase the likelihood that our projects will have lasting, long term success. This gantthead Change HEADWAY webinar will examine the key change management activities you should consider and how they will impact the project.

Change HEADWAY: Preparing for Change: Knowing When the Organization is Ready

Dec 16, 2008 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)

Projects are about change: changing locations, changing technology, changing people, changing processes. Successful change is, in part, about doing a project at just the right time. This Change HEADWAY webinar will focus on how change management techniques can be used to understand where your organization is at prior to embarking on the project.

Change HEADWAY: What is Change Management?

Nov 18, 2008 12:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Change Management is viewed more and more as critical to project and organizational success. In this Change HEADWAY webinar, we will be examining the change management process from a project manager's perspective to understand how change management can impact all aspects of your project.

Project HEADWAY: Motivating Project Participants

Oct 9, 2008 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

A little bit of up-front effort to understand what stimulates your team can have a long lasting impact on team members working on your project. This Project HEADWAY webinar will examine the concept of motivation and present some simple, but powerful ways by which you can foster and maintain inspired team members and an invigorated team.

Project HEADWAY: Dealing with Project Issues

Sep 18, 2008 12:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

As a project manager, it is important to actively monitor and manage issues to ensure they do not explode and become a risk that impacts the success of the project. In this gantthead Project HEADWAY webinar, we will define project issues, explore some of the causes and try understand how to manage them to ensure project success.


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"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly."

- Woody Allen

