Project Management

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Tackling the Climate Crisis with Discounted Carbon Flow

Sep 26, 2024 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Discounted Cash Flow analysis is a great tool to quantify the value of financial benefits delivered by a project and the rate at which that benefit is delivered. Discounted Carbon Flow analysis follows an identical set of principles and calculations but applies these to the carbon emission cost of executing a project and the carbon emission (reduction) benefit of the project outcome. To deliver the Paris Agreement targets we need to urgently and massively reduce global CO2 emissions, and Discounted Carbon Flow is a great tool to support this as the principles are already understood from the equivalent financial analysis.

Taking Our PM Careers to the Next Level

May 3, 2023 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

The project management field is pretty crowded out there. It’s no longer enough to just be really good at what you do.  You have to be more. It’s no longer build it on time, on scope, and on budget.  You have to add value over and above the normal requirements of project managers. So how do we add value?  How do we stand out in the crowd?  How do we get recognized in this very crowded field? In this webinar, David Barrett will get us thinking about what we can do to innovate our careers and get to the next level.

Taking our Project Management Careers to the Next Level

Sep 23, 2020 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

The project management field out there is pretty crowded out there. Its no longer enough to be just really good at what you do. You have to be more. It’s no longer build it on time, on scope and budget. You have to add value over and above the normal requirements of project managers. So how do we add value? How do we stand out in the crowd? How do we get recognized in this very crowded field? Our speaker will get us thinking about what we can do to innovate our careers and get to the next level.

Talk to AI to get more in less time

Oct 3, 2024 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

How can AI assistants make your work smarter? Discover the art of asking good questions to AI. Let’s discuss foundational and advanced techniques for prompting. Discover prompt optimization pro tips and powerful concepts like meta prompts.

Techniques & Steps to Help Business’s Frame Vision, Cascade Objectives, Respond to Escalations & Realise Benefit Flows

Dec 6, 2018 11:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Increasingly descriptions of the PM role and PMO responsibilities emphasis projects are investments and participants must support all things benefits. For example the 6th Edition of the PMBoK-Guide®’s description of the project manager discusses “…[and] may also be involved in follow-on activities related to realizing business benefits (pg51)” Whether or not the PM is ’involved,’ the PMBoK-Guide does not provide any Tools or Techniques by which: we can facilitate business leaders to crystallise “what we will see and experience when benefits are flowing in a desired future.” If, as diligent experts we are to support benefits then the responsibilities of the PM must include interacting with the business at each the end of the project life cycle. To do this, we need competencies – knowledge & behaviours we practice to develop skills.

Techniques of Time Management

Oct 20, 2021 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

This webinar is an in-depth review of proven time management techniques. Attendees learn fundamental time management techniques that can be applied immediately to improve productivity and leave more time for fun!

Technology Impact on Communication Management

Jul 15, 2015 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Social media, has not only introduced more communication methods but has influenced communication preferences (e.g. text, chat, or video calls) and caused shifts in communication styles (emoticon anyone?) Where picking up the phone to get a quick answer to a question used to be commonplace, many people now steer away from the phone in favor of email. Studies indicate that many professionals are no longer comfortable picking up the phone to make a work related call. We will explore how communication behaviors and preferences have changed, and examine how these changes create both opportunity and risk in our projects. From there we’ll discuss ways this impacts our current project communication plans, and explore ways to adjust our communications to be more effective. Finally we’ll share some practical communication tips.

Técnicas de Auditoría para una Gestión Efectiva de Proyectos

Nov 27, 2018 11:00 AM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

Según el reporte PMI Pulse of the Profession 2018, aproximadamente el 50% de los proyectos no llegan a cumplir con el presupuesto original ni con el tiempo establecido para su ejecución, monitoreo y cierre. Casi 47% de estos proyectos sufrieron corrupción de su alcance original, siendo considerados como un fracaso en su gestión integral. Son estadísticas que alertan a la disciplina de la dirección de proyectos a tomar acciones inmediatas para su mejora. La auditoría aporta un valor significativo en la gestión del ciclo de vida de un proyecto, desde sus fases de conceptualización y pre-factibilidad, hasta su transición a la operación y medición de generación de valor mediante la gestión de realización de sus beneficios. Dicha relevancia es evidenciada, al incluir a la auditoría como una herramienta y técnica en algunos de los 49 procesos descritos en el PMBOK. No obstante, en la actualidad no existe un estándar de auditoría claramente difundido y entendido en la comunidad de Dirección de Proyectos, que brinde lineamientos claves sobre que documentos y técnicas lúdicas pueden contribuir en la detección de anomalías en cualquier punto del proyecto y sobre cualquier área de conocimiento, y que permita establecer acciones correctivas/preventivas previo al fracaso. Como consecuencia, es de vital importancia transmitir a los directores de proyectos la necesidad de aprender nuevas herramientas analíticas de auditoría, que les permitan evaluar el desempeño general en la administración de un proyecto, con el propósito de garantizar el éxito en la consecución de sus objetivos alineados a los beneficios esperados por la organización ejecutora.

Telling the Project Story with Data

Feb 23, 2023 1:00 PM EST (UTC-5)
PREMIUM webinar

This presentation will focus on providing a message about your project with supporting data. It will be a pragmatic approach to better engage your audience and help them retain your message. There will be examples of the stories and the appropriate means of communicating the message.

Ten Ways to Beat Parkinson's Law

Oct 16, 2019 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” – Cyril Northcote Parkinson - A brilliant satirical essay published on November 19, 1955 in The Economist magazine begins with this quote that is so often seriously called law. That is not a law, and no work is required to occupy all the time allotted to it. In this webinar we are going to discuss some ways to beat the so called law and deliver products faster.


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While hunting in Africa, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How an elephant got into my pajamas I'll never know.

- Groucho Marx

