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white paper
by ProjectManagement.com, ProjectsAtWork.com and Scrum Alliance
There has been an explosive change within the last two decades over how software is developed and deployed. Agile methods and Scrum have led this charge and continue to gain momentum. A new report, "The State of Scrum: Benchmarks & Guidelines", is now available. This report reveals who is practicing Scrum, why they are practicing Scrum and the outlook for Scrum. Almost 500 professionals in over 70 countries were surveyed by ProjectManagement.com, ProjectsAtWork.com and Scrum Alliance for the report. Participants represented multiple industries from IT to education, finance, government, healthcare, telecommunications and more. Learn how your Scrum practice compares!
white paper
by Jonathan W. Powell, PMP
[This Article Provided Courtesy of PMI]
In addition to clarifying requirements, the facilitated workshop helps achieve customer buy-in and focus on project schedule, constraints and risks.
white paper
by Luc Galoppin & Daryl Conner
In this e-book, Luc Galoppin and Daryl Conner bring together their insights on commitment and social architecture. You will learn how the eight stages of commitment apply to an ERP rollout and why it is critical to carefully plan the "moments of truth". This e-book is specifically useful for executives who face an ERP rollout. It helps us to see where we need to be vigorous in terms of organizational change management.
white paper
by PM Network
[This Article Provided Courtesy of PMI]
Two seasoned professionals discuss how to convince stakeholders to nail down project requirements from the start.
white paper
by Cari Stieglitz, PMP
[This Article Provided Courtesy of PMI]
With over 70% of project failures being attributed to requirements gathering, why are we still using the same techniques and expecting different results? Requirements need to be discovered before they can be "gathered"--and this requires a robust approach to analyzing the business needs.
white paper
by PM Solutions
gantthead is proud to be the media partner for this PM Solutions research report and survey. The PMO has become the central organizational structure for standardizing the practices of companies in the delivery of their projects. PM Solutions Research surveyed a broad spectrum of companies to get a clearer understanding of the variety of factors that affect PMOs. The State of the PMO 2012 was designed to help us understand the nature of current PMO practices and discover trends that may point to solutions to today’s challenges.
white paper
by C. Ross McKenrick, PMP, CSM
[This Article Provided Courtesy of PMI]
This paper presents a hybrid process model that supports a product development team developing a product with an iterative, incremental and agile development process, such as Scrum.
white paper
by Brad Candia; Brian Gomez; Dr. Matthew Gonzalez, PMP; and Fabio Magana
IT companies are required to assist businesses with decisions by deciphering technical concerns. They also bridge the gap for business and technology. Providing more ways to close the gap could result in increased use of IT resources for future efforts.
white paper
by Dr. Matthew D. Gonzalez, PMP; Tony M. Ramirez, Jr.; and Ruby Rendon
In order for companies to survive and excel in today’s global environment, the corporate IT portfolio-planning function needs to plan IT initiatives strategically. Organizations must efficiently measure criteria that will enhance the performance of the overall strategies of their business.
white paper
by Miguel Tomas Escamilla; Dr. Matthew D. Gonzalez, PMP; Lisa Hernandez; and Laura Herrera
The goal of the global project management community is to advance ideas and create new ones by sharing an open platform for creativity by fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation. The following questions are addressed here: (1) What project management sites are currently available to the public? (2) What architecture is necessary to sustain a global project management community? (3) Why is a global project management community essential?
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I can't go to a bad movie by myself. What, am I gonna make sarcastic remarks to strangers?
- Jerry Seinfeld