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Multi-Project Tracking Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stephane Parent

This template shows how you can track actual time and dollars against estimated time and dollars across projects, activities and persons. The pivot table allows you to roll up the data at the project, activity and person, in any order.

Non-Conformance Report (NCR)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Sameh Nasr

Need to document a non-conformance identified in a quality audit or other process review? This form helps you document the problem so that corrective action can be initiated. To be signed by the resident engineer, quality manager and contractor.

Open Issues List

PREMIUM deliverable

Good project management requires good record keeping. Track the status of all issues that arise and require resolution.

Organizational Change Management Assessment

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

This template is designed to help a PM identify the organizational change management elements of their project. It can act either as a self-contained planning worksheet to feed the overall project plan, or as a collaboration tool for the project manager and organizational change manager to use collectively.

Pareto Chart Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Sromon Das

The Pareto Chart is a simple yet powerful tool that allows one to distinguish between the critical few and trivial many. While this is a quality tool, it can be used by any project team for any project type. Microsoft Excel currently does not have built-in functionality to create a Pareto Chart; this Excel template has an in-built macro that can generate a Pareto chart with just a click of a button.

People Styles at Work Questionnaire

PREMIUM deliverable

What best describes you: Analytical, Amiable, Expresive or Driver? You think you know, but you have no idea. A companion to the So, What's Your Style? Presentation, this questionnaire will help you determine what your primary and secondary style is under normal and stressful situations.

Performance Management Checklists

PREMIUM deliverable
by Dennis Torrecampo

Evaluating, correcting and planning employee performance is essential to your role as a leader. This extensive set of checklists will help you with all your performance management details.

Personal Leadership Development Plan

PREMIUM deliverable
by Eduard Hernandez

Translate your improvement plans into concrete actions and real results using this simple questionnaire, which helps you chart development focus areas and tie them to situations you encounter on the job. Adjust to fit your situation, and add rows/sections as needed.

Personalized Activity List Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Vindhya Reddy

The Activity List template is intended to provide a detailed list of all scheduled activities after the breakdown of work packages. This would provide a basis for estimating, scheduling, executing, monitoring and controlling the project work. This template contains a generalized template with detailed instructions to fill in, followed by a sample personalized to the bio-pharmaceutical industry.


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"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly 98 million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea..."

- Douglas Adams

