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Pharmaceutical Monthly Status Report Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Danilo Uvalin

This report helps you provide a concise and precise update on the current status of a clinical study and the achieved progress during the reporting period. It is usually distributed to a sponsor of the project, as well as the management of the company where the PM works. The main benefit of this report is that it addresses the major project constraints and provides only the relevant information needed to successfully manage the project and communicate with a diverse international team, typical for a matrix-based pharmaceutical company.

PM Career Management SWOT Analysis

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

You have likely come across a SWOT analysis, which maps strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This template applies the SWOT concept to your career development plans to help you build on strengths, address areas of weakness, leverage opportunities and monitor threats.

PMO Assessment Questionnaire

PREMIUM deliverable
by Gaurav Dhooper

This template has been developed for doing an assessment of your PMO function by measuring effectiveness and return on investment (ROI). Users must rate the 10 benchmark questions on a scale of 1 (most critical) to 5 (least critical) as they relate to the organization's specific needs and priorities.

PMO Leader Attributes Introspection Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Hussain Bandukwala

The purpose of this tool is to conduct a self-introspection on attributes that are essential for a PMO leadership role. Self-identify your current level of the listed key PMO leadership attributes, completing the "Current," "Aspirations" and "Prioritization" columns. Use in conjunction with the upcoming on-demand webinar Evolution of a PMO Leader - Lessons from Matthew McConaughey.

PMO Monthly Report

PREMIUM deliverable
by Miha Lenic

This set of Excel worksheets include a general progress list for tasks, a milestone report, a risk register and sections to keep track of assumptions, issues and dependencies. Use in conjunction with the PMO Monthly Status Report.

PMO Monthly Status Report

PREMIUM deliverable
by Miha Lenic

This PMO Monthly Status Report allows you to keep track of tasks and their progress. Provide a description of activities performed within each task for the relevant reporting period. This is the highest-level description, so keep it short, clear and concise. Change the wording of the task/activity to adapt it to your project needs. Use in conjunction with the PMO Monthly Report.

PMO Status Report

PREMIUM deliverable
by Dan Roman

The PMO Status Report is a weekly report in Excel format submitted to the PMO, portfolio or program manager. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary that will be aggregated at the program or portfolio level. This report focuses on financials, risks and issues that should be escalated at the program/portfolio level.

PMP® Study Guide

PREMIUM deliverable
by Amol Kshirsagar, PMP

Use this practitioner-contributed guide for help studying concepts presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fifth Edition.

Portfolio Financial Planning Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

Organizations plan portfolios based on the available funds for discretionary investments. However, that can get complex quickly. As a result, organizations usually have less money available than they think. This worksheet helps identify the point at which the available funds run dry.

Portfolio Heat Map Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Yaniv Levi Tzedek

This Excel heat map template gives you the ability to visually indicate your portfolio status to stakeholders by assigning data to a set of projects, which are displayed as bubbles of varying sizes. Adapt the axes names and data to fit your needs.


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The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders.

- Foster's Law

