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Portfolio Management Proposal

PREMIUM deliverable
by Bo Litwiler

The purpose of the Portfolio Management Proposal is to articulate an approach for effectively evaluating the impact of each project to the company’s portfolio(s). The process will support project governance, allowing the business to make informed decisions on which projects to execute to deliver the most value to the organization. Use this sample proposal as a starting point and adapt to fit your company and needs.

Portfolio Management Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefano Pittaluga

This Excel file offers a simple approach for the identification and selection of projects to be included in a company’s portfolio. It’s organized by steps, with an objective process leading to a final list of projects. The core of the process is a company-shared scorecard based on a limited list of strategies, each of them having its own score interpretation.

Portfolio Risk Management Plan Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

Don’t try and do too much with the risk management plan. It is just a summary document that provides an overview of the portfolio risks and allows access to more detail. Consider building this template within your PPM tool or within a corporate collaboration tool. This template has been built for the portfolio level, but it can easily be adapted for programs/projects with some simple rewording of columns.

Portfolio View Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Ishita Mitra

For efficient project governance, the PMO must ensure that the managers review all project parameters regularly. This template will help project/program/portfolio managers take a detailed look at all project constraints and variances. This will give a consolidated view and status of each project in a portfolio. This can also be leveraged and customized for weekly/monthly stakeholder reporting.

Post-Mortem Documentation

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joe Wynne

Make sure no post-mortem details escape you by using this analysis form, designed to help you avoid potential problems with future projects.

Post-Project Review

PREMIUM deliverable

The end of a project is a time for assessing what worked and what didn't, to better position future project teams to repeat the successes and avoid the pitfalls of similar projects. Every project team member has his own role-oriented perspective on how the project progressed and what could be done better in the future. Use this form as a vehicle for capturing that important information.

Powerful Message Planner

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joe Wynne

Deliver a memorable and motivating message anywhere with this planning tool.

Preliminary Project Planning Guidelines

PREMIUM deliverable

These guidelines lists project managers’ responsibilities during the preliminary planning phase. Include any other responsibilities that suit your particular business environment and situation. Accuracy and detail create real value when using this document.

Process Interconnection Diagrams

PREMIUM deliverable
by Talha Elgazzar

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) explains process inputs and outputs in a graphical representation, but shows this individually for each process without connecting the processes in a knowledge area in one diagram. This collection of maps not only achieves this, but also has connected all project processes (except the integration processes) in the same diagram with a minimum number of lines crossing. This collection of PDFs includes a diagram of each knowledge area that shows all of the internal connections, and then all are put together in one map. Also included is a Project Integration Management Diagram. Collectively, they serve as a great study aid or a nice refresher for experienced PMs.


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"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."

- Winston Churchill

