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International Meeting Planner

PREMIUM deliverable
by Brent Baldwinson

Now more than ever, it's challenging to schedule meetings that cater to workers in multiple time zones. The International Meeting Planner helps you choose the optimal time for your international meetings based on the number of attendees—and the local time—in each time zone. The red-amber-green color coding shows you (and the team) at a glance how friendly (or unfriendly) a suggested meeting time is for up to nine time zones.

Inter-Requirements Traceability Matrix

PREMIUM deliverable
by Cynthia Snyder Dionisio

One way to use a requirements traceability matrix is to trace the relationship between categories of requirements. An Inter-Requirements Traceability Matrix can be used to capture this information.

Issue Log

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefan de Vries

This document can be used to keep track of any issues that arise during the project. It is advisable to keep track of such issues, especially if they can not be solved quickly, or if many issues arise in a short time. Also, it is recommendable not to remove any documented issues once they are solved.

JAD Preparation Form

PREMIUM deliverable

Joint Applications Design Planning is aimed at reaching a consensus on a project request and developing a Detailed Project Plan that meets the Client’s Conditions of Satisfaction. The DPP then outlines the work breakdown/approach, estimates of activity duration, resource requirements and assignments, project network and activity schedules, and next steps.

Key Performance Indicator Spreadsheet Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are ways of measuring and monitoring project health. This template provides structure to outlining and articulating measures. It is the means of defining the KPIs that will be used, how they will be measured, and how they should be interpreted.

Key Performance Indicator Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Harold Hunt

While numerous key performance indicators (KPIs) typically influence IT projects generally, the benefit of tracking all of them may be outweighed by the cost to do so. Therefore, each project must carefully select and manage those KPIs most relevant to its specific situation. This sample template can be used to define KPIs; also included is a table with examples of possible KPIs for each of the previously defined project-critical success factors (PCSFs) and a metric (measure and dimension) for each KPI. Use in conjunction with the article Determining IT Project Health.

Key Performance Indicator Template (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Harold Hunt

多数の主要業績評価指標(KPI)は一般的にITプロジェクトに一般的に影響しますが、そのすべてを追跡するメリットはコストを上回る可能性があります。 したがって、各プロジェクトは、その特定の状況に最も関連するKPIを慎重に選択して管理する必要があります。 このサンプルテンプレートを使用してKPIを定義できます。 以前に定義されたプロジェクト重大成功要因(PCSF)のそれぞれについての可能なKPIの例と、各KPIのメトリック(メジャーとディメンション)を含む表も含まれています。 「ITプロジェクトの健全性を判断する」記事と併用してください。

Leader’s Guide to Help Employees Understand the Company Vision

PREMIUM deliverable
by Dennis Torrecampo

True leaders know that you can't achieve much without your loyal followers. This document will get your team on board and focused by teaching you how to convey your overall vision to them. Once your team has a clear shared vision, success is much easier to find.

Leadership Self-Assessment

PREMIUM deliverable
by Dennis Torrecampo

For a complete assessment of your leadership style and skills, this multipart questionnaire--available for Premium Members only--is all you'll need. You can use it as a self-assessment or a peer assessment.


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"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."

- Rene Descartes

