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Leadership Skills Assessment (French Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stephane Parent

Ce modèle est conçu pour être utilisé conjointement avec le webinaire Develop Leadership - Deliver Leaders! Accédez à chacun des onglets (Vision et valeurs, Direction, Persuasion, Soutien, Développement, Appréciation) et attribuez une valeur de 0 (plus faible) à 5 (plus élevé) aux questions, avant et après un événement de leadership comme un projet. L'onglet Résumé affiche les notes globales pour chaque dimension, ainsi qu'un graphique des résultats. Basé sur le classeur de haute performance de Toastmasters.

Leadership Skills Assessment (Japanese Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stephane Parent

このテンプレートは、ウェブセミナー「リーダーシップの育成 - リーダーの育成」と併せて使用するように設計されています。 リーダーシップ成長イベントの前後に、各タブ(視覚&価値観、方向性、説得力、サポート、開発、鑑賞)に行き、質問に0(最低)から5(最高)の値を割り当てます。 プロジェクト。 [概要]タブには、各ディメンションの総合評価と結果のグラフが表示されます。 Toastmastersの高性能リーダーシップワークブックに基づいています。

Leadership Skills Assessment (Korean Translation)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stephane Parent

이 템플릿은 웹 세미나 리더십 개발 - 리더 전달과 함께 사용하도록 설계되었습니다! 리더십 증대 이벤트 전후에 각각의 탭 (비전 및 가치, 방향, 설득, 지원, 개발, 감사)으로 이동하여 질문에 0 (최저) ~ 5 (최고)의 값을 지정하십시오. 계획. 요약 탭에는 결과의 그래프와 함께 각 특성 항목의 전체 등급이 표시됩니다. Toastmasters의 고성능 리더십 워크 북을 기반으로합니다.

Lessons Learned Analysis: General Workforce Management

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joe Wynne

How did corporate performance reviews and individual development planning programs impact your project? This questionnaire will allow you to analyze these processes, develop conclusions and make recommendations.

Lessons Learned Analysis: Project Orientation & Training

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joe Wynne

Was everyone on your team properly trained and receive the appropriate orientation at the right time during the course of your project? Use this 24 point template to conduct a consistent training and orientation post-mortem across all projects. Over time, it will reveal trends and issues that could point to needed training changes across your organization.

Lessons Learned Analysis: Staffing

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joe Wynne

Was your project properly staffed from the start? Use this 29 point template to conduct a consistent staffing post-mortem across all projects. Over time, it will reveal trends and issues that could point to needed staffing changes across your organization.

Lessons Learned Archive

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefan de Vries

This document can be used to archive any new knowledge, know-how or experience acquired during the project. This lessons learned archive serves as a reference for future projects and (together with those of other projects) forms a key asset for the organization under which the project has been performed.

Lessons Learned Form

PREMIUM deliverable
by Teresa Sabino

The main objective of a lessons learned session is identifying how to sustain strengths and improve weaknesses on future projects. Customize this template to include only lesson categories applicable to your project. Distribute the customized template to participants of the lessons learned session at least one week prior to the date of the discussion to provide their feedback, then compile them all into a master copy. Use in conjunction with the other templates in the Lessons Learned Package.


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"But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."

- Carl Sagan

