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Simple Project Activity Tracker

PREMIUM deliverable
by Amol Khairnar

Need help tracking activity status? This template is built for when you have two activities in a phase. You can extend it for multiple activities by adding sheets. You can only perform transactional activities like updating status of an activity, or inserting activity descriptions and dates.

Simplified Electronic Value Stream Map

PREMIUM deliverable
by James Hammond

This deliverable makes facilitating a lean module much more effective. Once all the steps are entered, it reduces inefficiencies by providing instantaneous updates to successive entries. This tool can handle up to a 20-step process (with up to 14 sub-steps/tasks for each step).

Skills Inventory Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Andy Jordan

A skills inventory is a record of the skills, capabilities and qualifications of team members. This Excel sheet helps you keep track of soft skills, certifications, internal courses and project experience. Add to and adapt the categories to best fit your needs.

Software Attributes

PREMIUM deliverable

Software attributes are the inherent quality of any software. These software attributes are normally built-in to the software at different stages of its lifecycle. These attributes help to grade, monitor and quantify the software.

Software Development Plan


Developing software for delivery? Need a plan for the whole project? Here's a descriptive framework that spells out the key ingredients for planning and controlling your project.

Software Project Tracking Template

PREMIUM deliverable
by Ahamed Sajid

This simple tracker for software projects logs project status, review summaries, and important events. The sheet maintains resource utilization cost and completion percentages, ensuring that projects are within budget. The simplicity of the presentation helps the template be easily presented to higher management.

Software Vendor Selection Criteria

by Vyom Bhuta

How do you weed out the vendors among hundreds of products, philosophies and promises? How can you make the right choice? This template provides you with six criteria to evaluate package software vendor solutions.

Sponsor Project Closure Letter

by George Spafford

After the review process, a formalized closure letter needs to be written that concisely identifies the project, any key aspects about it and the fact that it is now formally complete.


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There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

- Edith Wharton

