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Staff Burnout Assessment


As a project manager, you are certainly under stress. Certain projects just take it out of you. These same projects could be taking it out of your project team, too. Your people could be burning out. Use this assessment sheet to rate your project team and see who really needs a vacation or perhaps a job reassignment.

Stakeholder Analysis

by Joe Wynne

This document will assist project managers in preparing to interview all stakeholders in a project. It will help you understand the general needs of various groups an individuals that your project will impact.

Stakeholder Analysis Log

PREMIUM deliverable
by Joao Saragoca

This Excel template allows a project manager to list the stakeholders and automatically highlight the ones with more impact for the project. It also highlights the ones with which the commitment level needs to be managed, with a space for dated actions.

Stakeholder Analysis Register

PREMIUM deliverable
by Anupam Ganguly

This template can be used for stakeholder analysis, and in understanding the level of support required and provided when a change to the project is introduced. Stakeholders can be categorized on the level of support they provide, and the desired level of support expected. The template allows you to rate stakeholders on the basis of impact if the required level of support is not provided. Stakeholder issues and concerns, views and strategy to influence are addressed through this template. The template should be filled by the project manager or the project lead.

Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable

Every project has stakeholders. Your job is to get to know the ones who will be crucial to your project. This analysis worksheet will help you get a feel for what to expect from various key parties who have an interest in your project.

Stakeholder Analysis: Power/Interest Matrix

PREMIUM deliverable
by Alvaro H. Beckerig

This Power vs. Interest Matrix template—developed with Microsoft Excel and little bit of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)—is the ideal tool for stakeholder analysis. Fill the fields with your stakeholders name, give a number to power and interest, classify the engagement and write the stakeholder's expectations. After all stakeholders are identified, print the matrix and keep monitoring the power and interest of each stakeholder during project execution.

Stakeholder Communication Requirements Worksheet

PREMIUM deliverable
by Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz

How should you communicate with a stakeholder who is an intuitive extrovert? Or a receptive introvert? Use this Excel worksheet to find out! Just enter the four criteria covering geography and personality to get a suggested form of communication. Adapt the fields and criteria to fit your needs.

Stakeholder Engagement Register

PREMIUM deliverable
by Theresah Nyantakyi

This Stakeholder Engagement Register helps to identify project stakeholders, along with their roles and influence; along with the communication mediums, tools and technology that will be needed to keep them engaged on a project.

Stakeholder Expectations Template

by George Spafford

Sponsors and stakeholders expect certain things. And your project team needs to discover, review and document certain expectations as requirements. Use this detailed interview template for this discussion with the sponsor, as well as when interviewing various stakeholders.

Stakeholder Identification and Classification Log

PREMIUM deliverable
by Verónica Elizabeth Pozo Ruiz

This Excel log enables you to keep track of project stakeholders, including roles, expectations, power, interest, influence, impact, and management strategy.


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"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."

- Mark Twain

