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Front End Planning Best Practices to Improve Capital Project Performance

by Sandra MacGillivray
August 19, 2015 | 54:49 | Views: 3,919 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.21 / 5

Poor scope definition is the leading cause of project cost and schedule overruns, and long term operational issues in capital projects. As a result, front end planning is one of the most important processes in the construction and operation of capital assets. How can you improve scope definition and reduce project risk?

Mobile Devices in Construction Projects

by Jonathan Poppe
June 26, 2014 | 59:16 | Views: 2,216 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.00 / 5

Construction project managers have to overcome a number of challenges when the jobsite is a significant distance from the office. This webinar will cover some of the most common challenges faced by the PM, and provide suggestions for using mobile devices to face these challenges. We will look at how a project manager can:- oversee multiple construction jobs that are physically separated- assist site supervisors overcome limited technical experience- maintain a daily understanding of each job- keep onsite employees accountable- evaluate the quality of work at a job

Building Information Modeling Roundtable

by Dana K. Smith FAIA, Michael Tardif, Jason Chang, Ana Rodriguez
May 08, 2014 | 98:05 | Views: 819 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.95 / 5

We are pleased to invite you to join this webinar, as a continuation of the webinar offered on Building Information Modeling (BIM) in last August. We will count again with the participation of by Mr. Dana K. Smith and Mr. Michael Tardif (book authors), who will open the webinar reviewing the main concepts of BIM. Then, Mr. Jason Chang and Ana Rodriguez (Construction Industry CoP Members) will have an open discussion with Mr. Smith and Mr. Tardiff on implementing BIM, and how to align the book concepts to the best practices proposed by the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide).

Organizational Project Management Maturity IS Project

by Collin Quiring 
April 30, 2014 | 61:55 | Views: 674 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.00 / 5

During this presentation, we plan to give some examples of this type of situation. And, we will highlight how an organization can increase their OPM Maturity and allow the PMO to be more constructive to the entire organization. We will show that Project Management Quality and Organizational Project Management Maturity go together

Construction Productivity Research Results Explored

by Gabriel Dadi
February 06, 2014 | 45:45 | Views: 1,055 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.12 / 5

Re-invigorating the body of knowledge and searching for a step change improvement in construction labor productivity, CII kicked off the Construction Productivity Research Program in 2007 with Research Team (RT) 252. The primary objectives of the program were to identify and validate one or more initiatives, techniques, or methods that, if implemented, would result in a breakthrough improvement in construction productivity. Construction productivity was defined in three components: 1) direct work rate, 2) labor productivity, and 3) rework rate. The team was structured in five phases over a six year period with specific phases dedicated to the mechanical, electrical, concrete, and steel trades. This webinar will introduce the outcomes of each phase of the program as well as present the master deliverables in the “Construction Productivity Handbook” and the “Best Productivity Practices Implementation Index (BPPII)”.

Best Practices& Guidelines for Construction CPM Scheduling

by Chris Carson
October 24, 2013 | 45:45 | Views: 1,699 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.99 / 5

Come hear about details and time table for publication of our community's Best Practices and Guidelines for CPM Scheduling for Construction book, and get a sneak peek into the contents of this comprehensive and detailed volume. Six years of effort have been invested from several hundred Planners and Schedulers to produce this book, by contributing their contributing expertise and insight into how to plan, develop, review, maintain, update, analyze, and report schedules for construction projects

Building Information Modeling

by Dana K. Smith FAIA, Michael Tardif
September 05, 2013 | 45:22 | Views: 1,228 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.24 / 5

Most are now aware that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the way of the future, but is it just another tool or is it something more? Deke Smith, Executive Director of the buildingSMART alliance and co-author of “Building Information Modeling: A Strategic Implementation Guide for Architects, Engineers, Constructors, and Real Estate Asset Managers” published by Wiley in 2009 believes that BIM can be the enabler to bring the Facilities industry into the Information Age.

Public-Private Partnerships in the Caribbean - 2

by Resel Melville
June 13, 2013 | 66:17 | Views: 393 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.28 / 5

This is the second installment of the two part presentation will seek to explain and explore P3 relationships in the context of managing projects (construction and other types) with development and regional integration objectives, in the Caribbean region

Public-Private Partnerships in the Caribbean

by Resel Melville
March 26, 2013 | 70:06 | Views: 496 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.07 / 5

This two part presentation will seek to explain and explore P3 relationships in the context of managing projects (construction and other types) with development and regional integration objectives


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Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.

- Ivana Trump

