Project Management

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Valentine’s Eve Negotiations: A Story of Ethical Procurement

by Debasis Chakrabarti

Negotiators in this story followed the rules and ethics of the game. The goal was to maximize the gain of their respective organizations. There was no compromise on integrity. At the same time, the instinct of a youngster and the wisdom of a veteran collaborated to take the game beyond zero-sum and made it win-win…

Valuable Lessons From Our New Way of Working

by Yasmina Khelifi

We have unparalleled opportunities to rethink how we work as an individual and in teams—and the pandemic has also highlighted the true essence of what it means to be a human being in this globalized world. Discover five patterns of the “new normal” as we adapt to a modern way of working.

Value Models for Building Consensus

by Derek Stevens

Successful portfolio management requires sound processes for building consensus on what is important and how project results will be measured. Here are four value-based models to facilitate better decision-making.

Value Proposition


This very detailed template helps you define your project's unique value proposition and compare it against other projects being proposed within your organization. It outlines three simple steps to help you understand and articulate your project's relative value to others. If you’re struggling with getting your effort approved, this template is a must-have.

Value Stream Assessment Process


Value Stream Assessment is a high impact, short term, low cost approach to examining an enterprise's business problems with the objective of rapidly identifying a comprehensive solution based on value streams. This shifts the business from being driven by internal operations to being driven by customer needs and satisfiers. It provides high-value feedback to the executives about the business vision, management's alignment with the vision, and the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise relative to achieving the vision.


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"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

- Mahatma Gandhi

