Project Management

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Habits of the Effective Project Manager

by Gary Hamilton

While one optimal mix of attributes does not transcend every organization any project manager may work in, are there personal behaviors beyond core PM skills of risk, scope and schedule management that further differentiate exceptional PMs? This author says yes...

Hacking Scrum for Personal Productivity

by Don Kim

Aren’t resolutions just mini-projects you want to accomplish? What better way to do that than by leveraging agile! The Scrum framework is best suited for this. Let’s look at how to hack Scrum for personal productivity…

Haiku for Project Managers

by Robert Prol

Because sometimes poetry makes the point better than a long story. To learn more about Haiku, read:

Haiti: A Crisis Management Nightmare (Part 1)

by Bob Weinstein

An absence of leadership has crippled rescue efforts. For crisis managers in all areas, this tragedy is a harsh reminder that provides some important lessons.

Haiti: A Crisis Management Nightmare (Part 2)

by Bob Weinstein

An absence of leadership has crippled rescue efforts. For crisis managers in all areas, this tragedy is a harsh reminder that provides some important lessons. Here, we find out how experts are evaluating the Haitian crisis--and what they anticipate over the next critical months.

Half Plus Half Plus Half Equals Chaos

by Jeannette Cabanis-Brewin

Juggling several projects at once is par for the course for project managers; so is frustration. The Critical Chain theory, which is getting much positive attention in this industry, claims multitasking makes projects last longer, rather than shortening them. But there are some bones to pick with this theory. . .

Handbook of Business Data Communications: A Managerial Perspective

Author: Hossein Bidgoli | ISBN: 0120959763

The Handbook of Business Data Communications looks briefly at the major corporations working in each category. In addition to practical examples, short case studies and summaries of emerging issues in data communications, Professor Bidgoli discusses personal, social, organizational and legal issues surrounding the use of networks and business software. Easy to use, balanced and up-to-date, the Handbook has both answers and insights into future trends in business data communications.

Handholding via Handheld

by Mike Donoghue

Not only are we more accessible, but the devices we use are now becoming increasingly more robust to the point that we can be effective CRM agents anytime, anywhere--handheld and connected.

Handle with Care

by Sandra Roth

Don't get catty. Use these tips for successful "care and feeding" of your clients, and project success is just a meow away.


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A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.

- Dan Quayle

