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Tackling Service-Based Portfolio Management

by Vijay Sankaran

As we think about how we evolve our portfolio management disciplines, it is important to practice portfolio management within the context of service management. Ideally, an IT organization clearly defines its set of products and services via a service catalog and each customer works with a service portfolio manager to manage the lifecycle of services that is pertinent to them.

Tackling Talent and Strategy at PMI’s 2014 PMO Symposium

by Tegan Jones

Even the most brilliant strategy won’t mean much unless an organization has the right project and program practitioners to execute on it. And that’s precisely where project management offices can step in to help with the daunting task of finding the talent to fuel strategic initiatives--a big takeaway from PMI’s 2014 PMO Symposium.

Tackling the Climate Crisis with Discounted Carbon Flow

PREMIUM presentation
by Stuart Thorp

Discounted Cash Flow analysis is a great tool to quantify the value of financial benefits delivered by a project and the rate at which that benefit is delivered. Discounted Carbon Flow analysis follows an identical set of principles and calculations but applies these to the carbon emission cost of executing a project and the carbon emission (reduction) benefit of the project outcome. To deliver the Paris Agreement targets we need to urgently and massively reduce global CO2 emissions, and Discounted Carbon Flow is a great tool to support this as the principles are already understood from the equivalent financial analysis.

Tackling the Climate Crisis with Discounted Carbon Flow

by Stuart Thorp
September 26, 2024 | 60:02 | Views: 5,304 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.61 / 5

Discounted Cash Flow analysis is a great tool to quantify the value of financial benefits delivered by a project and the rate at which that benefit is delivered. Discounted Carbon Flow analysis follows an identical set of principles and calculations but applies these to the carbon emission cost of executing a project and the carbon emission (reduction) benefit of the project outcome. To deliver the Paris Agreement targets we need to urgently and massively reduce global CO2 emissions, and Discounted Carbon Flow is a great tool to support this as the principles are already understood from the equivalent financial analysis.

Tackling the Climate Crisis with Discounted Carbon Flow

Sep 26, 2024 11:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Discounted Cash Flow analysis is a great tool to quantify the value of financial benefits delivered by a project and the rate at which that benefit is delivered. Discounted Carbon Flow analysis follows an identical set of principles and calculations but applies these to the carbon emission cost of executing a project and the carbon emission (reduction) benefit of the project outcome. To deliver the Paris Agreement targets we need to urgently and massively reduce global CO2 emissions, and Discounted Carbon Flow is a great tool to support this as the principles are already understood from the equivalent financial analysis.

Tactical Maneuvers

by Joe Wynne

In an organization stripped of resources, maintaining compliance is crucial--and difficult. Find existing problems and fix them quickly using these tactics.

Tactical Tips for Virtual Teams

by Andrew Makar, PMP

While managing three virtual software implementations, this writer learned several tactical tips to remember when working with virtual teams.


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"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. "

- Winston Churchill

