This checklist will assist you in minimizing scope creep, schedule extensions and project failure by evaluating whether the initial requirements are complete. This series of requirements attributes, quality checks, and examples provide a thorough review of what you plan to do. This download has been translated into Japanese.
It's common to have more requirements than can be built with available time and budget. Use this matrix to help prioritize features based on how they score in a number of different categories. Those categories are weighted to reflect the fact that not all categories are equal. This download has been translated into Japanese.
「Pulse of the Profession」レポートでPMIが実施した調査によれば、「プロジェクトとプログラムに投資された10億米ドルごとに1億900万米ドルを無駄にしている」(PMI、Pulse 2015、p.2)。この1億900万ドルの損失は、過去2年間一定であった多数です。 このウェビナーでは、なぜそんなに多くのお金が浪費され、この傾向を逆転させるのかを判断するための調査について説明します。
Join Ellen Gottesdiener, author, facilitator, practitioner, and trainer, as she shares tools and techniques for efficiently and effectively identifying and managing product scope. Learn how you can provide real value to your projects by reducing the risks of scope creep while establishing clear project focus. This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. "