Project Management

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Early and Broad: The Key to Strategic Implementation Success

by Andy Jordan

Projects aren’t delivered in isolation; they combine to collectively contribute to business goals and they impact on one another during execution. Project managers must be involved earlier in the process when it comes to implementing strategy—and they must also be involved more broadly.

Early Justification Service Level Agreement Planner

by Joe Wynne

This tool is designed to create service level agreement information for a justification or similar document. It is most useful for IT organizations that are too small to have a Project Management Office, but can use better control over linking project service level agreements with business objectives.

Earned Value and the Drucker Challenge

by Garry Booker

In the near future, earned value management will help meet Drucker's Challenge — that is, by measuring the true productivity of knowledge workers. This EVM renaissance will emphasize real-time and lead measures over current lagging measures, and EVM-based graphics will gradually displace Gantt charts and other common display methods.

Earned Value Management (EVM) Calculator

by Andy Jordan

The basic premise of EVM is that we can assign a value to each task. We can then determine the progress that we have made on our project relative to schedule by comparing the amount of work completed with the amount of work planned to have been completed at the reporting date, and the progress relative to budget by comparing the amount of money that we have actually spent with the amount of money that we planned to spend.

Earned Value Management for Beginners

by Madhur Shah

Earned value management is a technique that integrates scope, cost and time to highlight how the project has done in the past and predict how it is expected to do in the future. This article discusses a few basic concepts of EVM and is useful for anyone looking to get started on this topic, as well as for candidates preparing for certification.

Earned Value Management Formulas...Illustrated

by David L. Rico, PMP

The whole point of Earned Value Management is to use past project performance measurements to depict the current standings and predict future efforts and resources required to complete the project goals. If you think in pictures, this illustrated formula will aid in your pursuit of certification or provide a refreshing perspective for veteran practitioners.

Earned Value Management in “Electricity Bill” Type of Projects

by Sunil Raikhanghar

Earned value management (EVM) is the control tool used for cost control, which is one of the most important areas in project management. It also provides additional useful information for the schedule variance. When used with progress reporting to determine schedule variance and schedule performance index, EVM becomes a highly valuable tool to track both cost and schedule. Budgets for projects with only department-wide budget allocations are analogous to a household electricity bill, having few details.

Earned Value Management in Agile Projects

by Marcos Saboya

The use of traditional empirical project management tools can be used in a simple way to manage and control project deadlines and costs without losing the flexibility of agility. In this article, we are going to mix a traditional technique with agile management using a simple practical example.


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You suffer for your soup.

- Kramer

