Project Management

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Uncover Gaps in Requirements using Requirements Risk Management Techniques

by Cheryl Lee
November 03, 2015 | 45:56 | Views: 6,332 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.23 / 5

We are expected to ask the “right” questions when eliciting requirements to identify gaps. Requirements risk management is an emerging concept in many high performing organizations used to provide guidance on what the “right” questions are. This interactive session will explore the hand-offs between project and requirements risk and arm attendees with information to begin addressing the #2 reason of why projects fail – inaccurate requirements - immediately within their workplace using requirements risk management techniques.

Understand the Human Factors in Project Management for Success

by M. Aslam Mirza, CEngr, MBA, PMP
September 22, 2015 | 59:54 | Views: 2,049 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.97 / 5

Project Management deals with advancement in uncharted waters within a specified time & budget and needs to prepare a team to implement change and satisfy all those who may be affected with the change. The results/outcomes of an endeavor have a direct bearing on the level of satisfaction of every human in any capacity involved. This sensitivity requires close attention to behavior & attitudes of team members & all others involved. Some of the human aspects need focus to improve the situation in any environment.

Understand the Human Factors in Project Management for Success

Sep 22, 2015 12:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Project Management deals with advancement in uncharted waters within a specified time & budget and needs to prepare a team to implement change and satisfy all those who may be affected with the change. The results/outcomes of an endeavor have a direct bearing on the level of satisfaction of every human in any capacity involved. This sensitivity requires close attention to behavior & attitudes of team members & all others involved. Some of the human aspects need focus to improve the situation in any environment.

Understanding Change Resistance – Avoid resistance, don’t cause it

PREMIUM presentation
by Ross Wirth

Change resistance is usually accepted as normal, but this begs two questions - who gets to define “resistance,” and what causes it? This webinar examines the normal reasons behind resistance and then goes deeper into the interaction between the change team and those impacted by the change to find the real reasons for resistance. Further, change resistance is often used by the change team as an excuse for their mistakes in determining what needs to change (and what needs protection from change) or how they choose to involve others in the process (including what they can learn from what appears as resistance).

Understanding Change Resistance – Avoid resistance, don’t cause it

by Ross Wirth
May 06, 2020 | 61:35 | Views: 18,156 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.57 / 5

Change resistance is usually accepted as normal, but this begs two questions - who gets to define “resistance,” and what causes it? This webinar examines the normal reasons behind resistance and then goes deeper into the interaction between the change team and those impacted by the change to find the real reasons for resistance. Further, change resistance is often used by the change team as an excuse for their mistakes in determining what needs to change (and what needs protection from change) or how they choose to involve others in the process (including what they can learn from what appears as resistance).

Understanding Change Resistance – Avoid resistance, don’t cause it

May 6, 2020 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4)
PREMIUM webinar

Change resistance is usually accepted as normal, but this begs two questions - who gets to define “resistance,” and what causes it? This webinar examines the normal reasons behind resistance and then goes deeper into the interaction between the change team and those impacted by the change to find the real reasons for resistance. Further, change resistance is often used by the change team as an excuse for their mistakes in determining what needs to change (and what needs protection from change) or how they choose to involve others in the process (including what they can learn from what appears as resistance).

Understanding that Managerial and Leadership Approaches are Radically Different

by M. Aslam Mirza, CEngr, MBA, PMP
July 13, 2016 | 61:46 | Views: 2,215 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.89 / 5

Misunderstanding leadership at different levels can often be confused with managerial skills when moving to important commanding-roles. Often this leads to disastrous outcomes or, at minimum, damage human relationships and respect for business purpose.


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"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

- Mahatma Gandhi

