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PREMIUM deliverable
by Mayte Mata-Sivera
影響分析の目的は、考慮されている問題の解決策(問題点の解決から保留中の組織変更まで)につきましても、賛否両論の影響を評価することです。 チームが明白な変化だけでなく変化の可能性があることをすべて理解するためには、状況を複数の視点から検討することが重要です。
PREMIUM white paper
by Cynthia C. Mercer, Joseph Houser
All future events come with some degree of uncertainty. When the uncertainty affects the outcome of the event in a negative manner, it is considered a risk. The ability to quantify the likelihood of the risk’s occurrence with the monetary value of its impact is a major goal of Risk Management (RM). This is a webinar transcript translated in Japanese.
"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair."
- Chinese Proverb