Project Management

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DAD Package Implementation Plan

project plan

Are you implementing a package in a distributed application development environment? You need a plan for the full implementation cycle, from planning and requirements analysis through deployment. Here's a sample from a Warehousing/Shipping environment.

DAD Systems Documentation Plan

PREMIUM project plan

This Microsoft Project plan reflects the activities for documenting the functionality of a distributed application system in a retail environment, i.e., order processing, pricing, inventory, shipping, customer and distributor administration, marketing, etc.

Daily Activities Report Sample (Construction)

by Rami Kaibni

This sample report works mainly for construction projects. It is a daily site activity report submitted by the site manager in charge to the section manager. It reflects the work accomplished and areas of concern. It helps in early identification of any schedule creeps or arising risks or concerns that might delay the project.

Daily Build Process

by Luc K. Richard

If you're not sold on the value of a daily build process, shame on you. If you do understand its importance, here's a simple 10-step approach that you can enforce.

Daily Construction Record and Weekly Dashboard

PREMIUM deliverable
by Hesham Arafa

This template is an Excel sheet with a pivot table utility report that retrieves data from data tables. By keeping a record of construction project data and information on data tables—and by using pivot tables—we can get back many forms and dashboards, such as a daily and weekly construction report. This zip file contains a sample record and a blank record.

Daily Construction Report


Every day on the construction site is truly different. There's a lot going on. Keep track of it all with this handy form.

Daily Job Report


Lots of things happen on the job every day. Use this form to keep track of them.


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"Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint you can at it."

- Danny Kaye

