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M&A Due Diligence Checklist


Use this comprehensive checklist to make sure all of your merger and acquisition dealings go smoothly.

MacGyvering Your Way to Project Success

by Brad Egeland

Wad of gum? Check! Paper clip? Check! Strand of hair? Check! If we find we’re stuck in one of those ruts--too busy to focus on the right way to do things and just winging it till fires show up that need to be fought--what do we do?

Macro vs. Micro Innovations

by Al Taylor

Innovation comes in many shapes and sizes and can be categorized in many ways. In this article, the author suggests that one way to categorize it is to distinguish macro innovation from micro innovation.

Magic Kingdom Service

by Mike Donoghue

The use of the term “Mickey Mouse” is often considered a demeaning form of slang. But while there were times in the past where the Walt Disney Company vision may have faltered, its brand has persevered and become stronger--to the point where that descriptor is a badge of pride and excellence. What can you learn from that popular rodent?

Mainstream Green

by Andy Jordan

Over the last few years, environmental concerns have become a normal part of doing business--and the opportunity to differentiate yourself by simply being green has disappeared. Now you stand out from the crowd if you aren’t environmentally conscious in your projects.

Maintain Credibility

by Andy Jordan

Leadership requires trust from the team. It can’t be earned overnight, but it can be destroyed very quickly. To maintain credibility, leaders must live up to the team’s expectations while recognizing and addressing their weaknesses.

Maintain Team Momentum With AI Productivity Improvements

by Joe Wynne

Even if you have a project team using various AI tools, that does not mean that the team is using all tools to the best of its ability. Do your part to increase productivity by asking certain questions that will help you identify obstacles and dig deeper for problem-solving.

Maintain the Culture to Support Strategy Implementation

by Joe Wynne

There is a direct line from the highest-level business strategy to your role as a PM. Your role is made easier when you maintain the work culture in a way that fosters implementation of the strategy. The three tactics explained here will help you.


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Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like there's nobody watching.

