Project Management

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392 items found

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Gadget Blues

by Bob Weinstein

Why can’t tech gadgets be easier to use? That’s why PMs are needed to coordinate massive technology redesign programs.

Gaining Momentum

by Kenneth Darter, PMP

At some point, a project will gain its own momentum. That motion can hurt or benefit the project depending upon how it’s directed and focused. How can you stay ahead of it?

Gaining PMO Experience

by Andy Jordan

How does PMO experience fit into a project management career? Who needs to spend time in a PMO? When, how often and what type of experience should it be?

Game Changer

by Dave Prior

Small teams are more productive than large teams but they can’t deliver large projects alone, so organizations need to improve collaboration among distributed teams, says Luke Hohmann. He uses visual and virtual games to spark innovation, align values and solve “enduring problems.” [17:30]

Game Mechanics and Projects

by Abid Mustafa

Game mechanics can be applied to the discipline of project management, both as a motivational and training aid. By making project work more enjoyable through real-time recognition and rewards, gamification can also improve team productivity and individual performance.

Game On

by Bob Weinstein

It sounds like a success story ripped from the latest headlines: "Video Game Freak Turns Hobby Into a Career." Read about a high-ranking project manager employed by one of the most famous video game companies in the world.

Game On: Video Games Bring Project Management To life

by Robert Castel

To view video games as possessing only entertainment value is short-sighted and without merit. Today's massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) impart social and innovative learning techniques for individuals and groups on a global scale--and to project management's benefit. This article discusses how MMORPGs bring project management lessons to life. In doing so, it examines how MMORPGs teach players emotional intelligence (EI) competencies, such as self-confidence, empathy, trustworthiness and communication. It then uses the "World of Warcraft" (WoW) collaborative wiki as an example to show the benefits for project professionals. The article examines the parallel between WoW, project management teams and EI: the need for collaborative engagement. It concludes by looking at communication, one of the most important EI competencies, and shows how communication plays a role in WoW and project planning.

Game Plans

by Gary Hamilton Gareth Byatt Jeff Hodgkinson

The use of sports terminology and analogies is often overdone in the workplace, but applied in the right context they can inspire and illustrate how to get things done as a team. Here are eight areas where linking the worlds of sports and project management might help your next project.


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"The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself."

- Oscar Wilde

