Project Management

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BA + QA = A-OK

by Janis Rizzuto

How can companies foster collaboration between business analysts and quality assurance professionals? New research recommends three steps to strengthen alignment between these complementary roles — and improve project outcomes.

BA Snapshot

by Janis Rizzuto

A new survey by IIBA and Forrester provides information about business analysts, including backgrounds, skills, responsibilities and aspirations.

BA Trends for 2011

by Glenn R. Brûlé, CBAP

Today’s business realities demand a better balance of soft and technical skills from business analysts, according to a global panel of senior executives and consultants asked to identity the Top 10 Trends for the discipline.

BA vs. PM: Where Do We Draw the Line?

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

There’s been an increasing intersection between business analysis and project management. All of this can leave people scratching their heads and wondering what it all means. Where are the overlaps? Where are the boundaries? What does it mean to be a business analyst relative to what it means to being a project manager?

Baby PMO Blues

by Mark Mullaly, Ph.D., PMP

Congratulations! Your proposal has been accepted, and you are now responsible for the implementation of a bouncing baby PMO. So now that you've got approval...what's next?

Baby Steps

by Craig Curran-Morton

Why has Project Portfolio Management struggled to be adopted in organizations? While part of the problem lies with the vendor overselling the product, the bulk of the issue stems from our collective failure to educate ourselves on PPM--and understand how we should adopt it.

Baby Steps to EVM

by Andrew Makar, PMP

CMMI provides several models that organizations can use to identify best practices and organizational improvements. Studying the maturity models and researching earned value management readiness reveals a series of baby steps for organizations to adopt EVM.

Back On Track

by Karen Klein

The War on Terror caused workloads to increase 70 percent over three years at a U.S. Army Depot. The influx of new employees left an experience void and created discontinuity between job roles and actual processes. But a one-year training project got everyone marching in the same direction.


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"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time--a tremendous whack."

- Winston Churchill

